#27 Stay By Cher Lloyd (Part 2)

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Liam’s pov

In the silence of your room, in the darkness of your dreams

I woke up on the hard ground in a dark room. Nothing was in the room, but in the distance I could see (Y/N) reaching out for me.

“I love you Liam!” (Y/N) started fading faster then I could get to her. “(Y/N) Don’t leave me!”  She faded away completely. A loud alarm went off. I covered my ears hitting the ground. I jolted awake when I realized what the alarms was. Her heart monitor had gone into a straight line. I ran towards the door yelling for a doctor or a nurse anyone

Who could help the love of my life…


Only time will tell If you can break the spell 

You had broken up with your ex boyfriend a few months ago, but inside you feel like it was just yesterday you heard him those words you’ve always dreaded to hear. Your best friend, Zayn, has always loved you , but he had never told you that. He’s was there right by your side when you had told him that night about the brake up. All he has to do is wait because only time can tell is he can break  the spell that your ex had left.

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