#62 His Attitude Towards You After A Fight

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Harry: You and Harry had been fighting a lot recently and it got to the point where you had called him a womanizer and he called you a fame wh**e. None of you actually thought anything like that towards the other, but in the heat of the moment those words had left your mouths. "Harry, i’m going to work." You mumbled as you walked past him. Your three years long boyfriend had been sitting on the couch the whole day, with his eyes stuck on the laptop ahead of him. "Don’t bother coming back." Those words sliced through your body like knifes. "What?" You walked slowly until you were at his side, facing him. "You heard me, i wouldn’t want to cheat on my girlfriend since i’m such a womanizer. Get out, and don’t bother coming back." Tears were prickling at the corners of your eyes as you made your way towards the door with your purse in one hand. "Fine, if that’s what you want. I’ll come back to get my stuff later." And with that you walked out the door, trying hard to keep your composure since paparazzi’s were everywhere.

Louis:  "You’re nothing like Eleanor! At least she wouldn’t get mad at a minor thing like that!" Both of you were yelling at each other for about 2 hours now and none of you seem to have the decency to stop before you got hurt. “You allowed that girl to call me a bitch louis! You didn’t even stand up for me, you just smiled as if she was right! Is that what you think of me?” By now, you were both face to face, tears prickling on the corners of not only your eyes but his as well. You didn’t believe things had gone so far, so before things got even worse you decided to go for a walk, to clear your mind of things. Once you came back, a few hours later, Louis was nowhere to be found and your heart started to race. What if he was gone? What if he thought you didn’t love him anymore? You raced towards your bedroom just to find most of his personal objects gone, along with some of his stuff. There was no need for post-its saying where he was this time because you knew he had left, and he wouldn’t be coming back. 

Liam: Your parents had passed away a few years back and somehow Liam had always thought you were extremely obsessed with it, and he never failed to threw it at your face. "I just think you can’t move past it and it become annoying at times!" He said, almost as if this discussion meant nothing to him, almost as if it was nothing but a mere conversation. "Well, if that’s what you think then i probably should be heading off. Have a nice life Liam." As you walked to your shared bedroom to collect your stuff, you fell to your knees. The pain slicing through your body and leaving you almost breathless, the pain you were accustomed to feel yet this time it got worse, you had lost Liam, the man who meant your whole world. At that moment all you could think of was how you were destined to loose everyone you loved. As you looked out the window, you couldn’t help but mumble the words. "If you could see me now —"

Niall: Niall had always been the type of person to drink too much, yet you had grown accustomed to his drinking but when you needed him the most, he wasn’t there. You had been invited to open up for Justin Bieber at his concert and you had invited Niall to be with you, assuming it would end all the stress that was currently taking over your relationship since your last argument, but he didn’t showed up. You kept looking for his face in the crowd but Niall was nowhere to be found and your heart sank to your knees, he knew how much this whole thing meant to you and he still wouldn’t care. As you got home five hours later, you couldn’t help but to gasp at the note stuck on the door. "Things aren’t working out between the two of us, either you move out by tomorrow or i will." 

Zayn: You and Zayn had been having plenty of fights lately due to the fact that he wanted you to stay at home while he worked. His jealousy had now grown into the point where he barely ever allowed you to leave the house and you couldn’t stand it anymore so you had confronted him. He wasn’t having it, so he left you standing there, all by yourself without even being able to finish what you had wanted to tell him all along. A few hours later, Zayn came back with the intention to apologize to you but he found nothing but a empty house and a note, saying you were gone. This was it, to you this meant he was now free of your constant nagging and apparent flirting with everyone but to him it meant his world had collided. 

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’m thinking about writing a second part for this, yet before you start flipping i would like to apologize to Perrie, Eleanor and Sophia (?) I think that’s her name, because they are beautiful girls and they love their boyfriends. I believe all this hate they have been receiving is pointless and they don’t actually deserve it so i don’t want any mistakes whilst reading this because i do want the boys to be happy. This is nothing but a story. I hope you guys like it and tell me what you think. (:

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