#39 His 1 Word To Describe You

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Harry- Sexy ;)

The boys were on Chatty Man and as the question came to Harry…

Alan: Harry,(Y/N) in one word quickly now!

Harry bites his lip and says: the sexiest lady i have ever seen and winks at the camera.

Louis- Fearless

He is always proud of the fact at how open you are to people and how you don’t fear what the paparazzi or the haters say and how you snap back at them fearlessly.

Liam: Gorgeous

He loves you and all your little things. Especially the way that you are beautiful on the outside and simply radiating on the inside.

Zayn: Mischievous

He had always thought that none could be as naughty as Louis,until he met you…You were naughty in playing pranks and even more in bed…

Niall: Breath-Taking

the first time he had seen you, it was like he was intoxicated,not by the drinks but by you. Every little thing took his breath away,the flutter of your eyes,smile, laugh and the way you moved just everything…and always in awe of your beauty forever.

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