#6 Their reaction to seeing the 6th member in a dress for the brits

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I was with the lads all dressed up for the brits, just waiting for (Y/n) to get ready. of course, girls always taking too much time and arriving late. " (Y/N)! are you ready yet?" I yelled hoping she would be ready by now. "um.. yeah.. I am ready" I heard a soft voice say. I turned around to find (y/n) coming down the stairs looking incredible in her long and form fitting dress. she was absolutely stunning. all that waiting was worth it at the end


we arrived at the brits before (y/n), always late. we were on the red carpet when all the eyes were directed towards someone who just arrived, I turned around to see (y/n) standing there shyly in her short beautiful white dress. I couldn’t stop my self from smiling, stunned by her beauty, not caring about anyone else, right now it was just her…


we were at the dressing room getting dressed for the brit awards. "(y/n).. you ok in there?" I ask (y/n) since she was there for a long while, worried that something might have happened. "um yeah I am ready" she responds, then she walked out, dressed in her long dress making her look amazing. "you look.. beautifull" I said making her blush at my comment, mumbling a thank you.




we arrived at (y/n)’s hotel to go together to the brit awards. I decided to go check on her since she still didn’t come. her room’s door was open, so I let myself in. "(y/n).. are you here?"  yeahh" she responds from the bathroom. I walked in, and saw her applying finishing touches to her make-up and hair. "you look great (y/n) don’t worry" I tell her feeling that she’s nervous. "really?" she hesitates, turning aroung revealing her beautiful long white dress. I was speechless, and staired at her beauty with a huge grin on my face. "of course, you look very beautiful (y/n)" I tell her puttting my hand on her waist and gatting out of the room.


the brit awards were tonight, and we all got ready for it. "(y/n)!! pleaase tell me you’re ready now" louis whined for the 10th time bored because we were still waiting for (y/n). "ok ok I am ready do worries" she said walking towards us. once my eyes landed on her, I was stunned. she looked absolutely amazing and it was the first time I see her in a dress. "wow" I say not finding any words, "jus.. wow" ..

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