#60 When He Comes Home From Tour

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Harry- His emerald green eyes instantly met yours. It had been 3 months since the “good-bye’s”, and the separation from each other had become unbearable. Once you identified Harry in the cluster of people swarming the airport hallway, you immediately bolted to him pushing and shouting apologizes to the people you shoved along the way. In that instant, you could feel the growing excitement of seeing the man of your dreams after such a long part. You couldn’t wait to smell his Chanel aftershave, run your fingers through his luscious brown curls, and lock your soft lips with his for a passionate kiss. When you finally reached him, he picked you up so you straddled his waist. He pulled you in for the romantic kiss you were eager for. Neither of you cared what other people thought. Just being with each other again was the most marvelous feeling in the world. “You have no idea how much I missed you,” he whispers in between your intense kissing session. “I love you, Harry,” you  say. “I love you too,[Y/N], forever and always.”

Liam- You knew the American tour had put a temporary hold on your and Liam’s relationship. The FaceTiming, long phone calls, and sweet text messages helped but didn’t take the ache in your heart away. At least you would be reconnected with the love of your life in three days. You often found yourself daydreaming of cuddling in the large white bed with him watching movie after movie and sneaking gentle kisses on his lips every couple minutes. The constant thought of him made the minutes feel like hours and the hours feel like days. Your figured it was best to do something to keep your mind off of the wait and decided to grab a drink with [Y/F/N]. After a couple of glasses of Chardonnay, you decided it was time to head back to your apartment and FaceTime Liam. When you opened the door, you immediately noticed a candlelit dinner prepared in the modern dining room. Standing next to the dining room entrance stood Liam carrying a bouquet of delicate red roses. You dropped your keys and handbag to the floor and ran over to your handsome boyfriend. Both of your brown eyes connected before you planted a kiss on his tender lips. “I can’t believe you were able to come home early. You’re the best,” you say as he pulls out your chair for dinner. “My girl deserves the best and so much more.”

Niall- Those blue eyes. Those turquoise eyes and that blown-out, dirty blonde hair. That thick accent and lingering kiss he would oh-so innocently press on your lips. The list of things you missed of your boyfriend, Niall, was endless. He had been on tour for 3 months, and the time away felt like an eternity. His intimate and adorable messages only helped the slightest bit with the pain his separation caused you. When you found out your second half would be back in a week, you couldn’t wait to spend every second lying in bed gently running your fingers through his gentle locks of hair and catching him up on all he missed while he pulls you closer to him and places subtle but hot kisses on your lips.That night, you planned to grab a bite to eat with your sister. “This one’s for you, miss,” the waiter stated as he placed a glass of your favorite Pinot Grigio on the table. “I didn’t order this, sir,” you gesture to the man. “Someone ordered it for you,” the waiter says before you can ask who. The waiter proceeds to bring out two more glasses after the first. As soon as you order your fourth glass, you hear that sexy, Irish accent whisper in your ear. “I think four glasses of Pinot should be enough to get ya loose.” In that moment, you could feel yourself become overwhelmed with emotions. “Niall!,” you cry as you turn to face those same blue eye you dreamed about, “You’re home early. Words cannot even describe how much I missed you, babe,” you say as you grip his hair and pull him in for an intense kiss. “I couldn’t wait any longer to see my beautiful princess. Being away from you hurt too much, [Y/N].”

Zayn- From outside of your apartment, you could hear the lock on Zayn’s car sound. He had only been on tour for two months, but the emptiness you felt without him grew stronger each and everyday he was gone. You longed for the deep conversations, relaxing days in bed, and special couple moments you two shared together when he wasn’t with you. You couldn’t wait to stare into his enticing brown eyes, play with his brownish-black messy hair, and interlace your fingers together tightly when he returned home. Now here he was twisting his golden key to see you for the first time in two long months. You raced down the steps to greet the love you had been separated from. “Babe!” you yell as his strong arms squeeze you into a tight embrace. “I forgot just how hot you were,” he says as he pulls your waist towards his, connecting your two hungry lips. Suddenly, the soft kiss escalates to something a bit more heated. “You too, Malik,” you wink to him.

Louis- It had been three months since you had seen that handsome boyfriend of yours. You couldn’t wait for the day he would return to make you laugh and fall in love even deeper than you already had. He was scheduled to come home tomorrow, so you told him you would see him when he arrived home. Little did he know that you were going to surprise him at the airport the second his plane landed. Those messy brown locks and bluish green beautiful eyes staring into your soul as you lounged around all day. Ugh, you couldn’t wait. The next day, you waited outside of his gate at the airport. As soon as he walked off the plane and down the hallway, he immediately noticed you. He sprinted over to you, plopped his belongings in the middle of the walkway, and pulled you close into a needed kiss. His lips felt soft, sweet, and tender. “I missed you, [Y/N],” Louis said as he embraced you with his strong arms. “At least we are together now,” you smile at him.

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