#56 He Changes Your Child's Diaper

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"Dadda hurry up" Your 2 year old demanded her father. He doesn’t change her diaper often, but when he does he takes about 20 minutes, hence why he doesn’t change it much.

"Alright alright be patient Mollie" He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, you giggled at him as he fastened the sticky straps. “Done" He smiles, proud of himself and picked Mollie up.

"We’ll done Ni, next time you might not want to put it on backwards" You tried not to laugh, patting his shoulder and taking mollie from him so you could correct his mistake. He groaned and face palmed.

"From now on, I’m not doing it again." He threw his arms up and disappeared out of sight, probably going to eager a beer knowing him. Leaving you and Mollie to laugh at him.


"No please stop squirming Alex" Zayn furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to put the diaper on your 4 month old son.

"Dad you know he can’t understand you right?" Your 7 year old Caitlyn asked as she watched him.

"I know but still!" He lifted the top of the diaper up ready to finish,

"No Zayn you have to make sure his willy is pointing down" You said taking a sip of your morning coffee

"Why?" Zayn looked at you confused

"So when he does a wee wee he doesn’t do it upwards and the top of his diaper wet….duh" Caitlyn explained slowly, looking at him like he’s stupid.

"How do you knew that and I don’t?" He questioned dumbfounded.

"Simple I’m smart you’re not!" You laughed as she took control and finished changing her little brother.

"Show off" Zayn muttered sourly, standing up and crossing his arms like a five year old. You giggled and leaned over giving him a peck on the lips, his face immediately soften and he smiled lovingly, watching his two wonderful kids.


"Ok so firstly you have to take off the old dirty diaper and get rid of it. Then you wipe her bottom and put some cream on it. Then you simply put a clean nappy on her" Louis explained to you, you had just gotten home after giving birth to your newborn daughter Kayla, and you had no idea how to change a diaper. But luckily you had your husband to show you, due to his experience with having younger sisters.

"Right I think I’ve got it, thanks Lou" You kissed his cheek, and carefully picked Kayla up off the changing mat laid in front of you.

"She is so beautiful" Louis commented standing behind you, lightly brushing his finger against her warm cheek. You nodded agreeing with him, just as she crinkled her face up closing her sky blue eyes and started wailing.


Liam decided that you needed a break from staying at home and watching Jeremy your 8 month old, so he has sent you and your bestfriend away to a relaxing spa treatment.

"Jeremy are you going to be a good boy for daddy, while he changes you?" Liam asked him softly as he set him down on the changing mat. Jeremy gurgled and stuck his tiny thumb in his mouth. Liam cooed at him and took of his small trousers and diaper.

"Hmmm I’m sure you had done a stinky" Liam frowned as he saw an empty diaper. “Are you tricking your dadd-" Liam was cut off by the sound off pee and the wetness attacking his T-Shirt.

"Noooooo! Jeremy don’t wee on me!" Liam held a wet wipe over his sons bottom half. Well Liam had an interesting story to tell you when you got home…


You were waken in the middle of the night by your one year old daughter’s shrill cries over the baby monitor. You pulled back the covers letting the cold air get to your warm legs and was about to get out.

"(Y/N) don’t worry I’ve got it" Your wonderful husband groaned swinging his legs out of the bed and climbing out, you could hear his footsteps getting quieter as he walked further away from your room to Jade’s room.

"Hey baby girl why are you crying?" You heard Harry’s soft voice over the baby monitor, you smiled sleepily closing your eyes.

"You’re a stinky girl come on let’s get you changed" You heard her cries turn into sniffles as he changed her diaper and laid her back in her crib.

"All done, now go back to sleep princess, I love you" He kissed her head and returned to your bedroom, you felt the bed dip and he leaned over kissing your cheek and slung his arm over your stomach, pulling you protectively into his cold chest.

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