#37 How He Helps You Through Labor

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Harry: Harry was holding your hand and kissing it and smiling lovingly at you, but was interrupted by the doctor coming in to look at you. He asked you to pull up your gown and looked at you and announced that you were dialated enough to start pushing. Harry squeezed your hand. "Babe! This is so exciting! You're gonna do great!" He was grinning like a little kid and you chuckled, but half-heartedly because you knew the pain you were in for. When you started pushing Harry stood up and started pacing back and forth, stopping at the head of your bed to say encouraging things like, "You can do it!" and "Great, y/n, you're doing great!" Finally, he became almost frantic and gripped your hand, smiling crazily and breathing dramatically saying, "Just BREATHE! Keep BREATHING!" He began gesturing with his hands and arms and his eyes were wide and he was making you nervous so you groaned, but he thought you were groaning in pain. "Are you okay? Oh my God, are you alright?!" "YES HARRY, I'M ONLY PUSHING A BABY THROUGH MY VAGINA!" you yelled. He nodded frantically and paced to the end of the bed again where he glanced at you and happened to see the baby's head coming out at that moment. "OH MY GOD!" His eyes welled up with tears and he just kept staring until the doctor pulled the baby out and wrapped him in a towel to hand to you. Harry sat next to you and kissed your cheek over and over and just kept shaking his head in disbelief. "She's lovely. So beautiful," he said, finally quiet, just staring at your daughter. "Yeah, she really is," you smiled in agreement.

Niall: You were laying in your hospital bed, ten centimeters dialated and your doctor had just let you know that it was okay to begin pushing. Niall was no where in sight. He had been sitting in the chair in the corner of the room almost all day, looking kind of uncomfortable and pale and being very quiet. You knew he hated hospitals and was really awkward about childbirth, but COME ON, he was about to be a father! You tried calling his phone, but it was dead and you felt yourself getting angry. Your doctor asked if you wanted her to page him, but you said it was fine and decided to start pushing. In the middle of all the chaos, you opened your eyes and took a break from gripping the rails of the bed with white knuckles and glanced at the door. Niall was riding slowly by on a segway and waved at you without smiling. You thought you were seeing things, but ten seconds later, he rode by again wearing sunglasses and a snapback. You were in disbelief. He finally rode into your room and took his glasses off and just stood at the end of the bed staring at you awkwardly.

Zayn: Zayn had been sitting in your room with you at the hospital all night. He was reading and you were ready to start pushing. He stayed sitting in his chair and held your hand, and after about an hour you almost slapped him because he started to drift off to sleep. His head lolled onto his chest and his lips parted a little. "Zayn?! Are you kidding me?" you said, your voice raised. He blinked and looked around confused, until his eyes focused on you. "Babe, it's cool, yeah? Calm down, I'm up." You blinked once and then glared at him. "It's cool?!" He smiled sleepily with half-lidded eyes. "Yeah, chill babe. Smoke a spliff or summat." He began to pull something out of his pocket and got a glare from your doctor. "I would hope you're not about to try to smoke marijuana in this hospital Mr. Malik," the doctor said firmly. Zayn smiled and said, "No, no not at all." Your annoyance pretty much fueled the rest of your labor process and your baby came faster than you'd expected.

Louis: Louis was standing by your hospital bed with a video camera and taping you as you began to push. "Smile for the camera, babe," he instructed and you glared at it in response. "Babe," he said as he flipped some hair out of his eyes, "people are going to be watching this." "Louis, I don't give a FUCK right now, I am trying to have a child." He rolled his eyes and smirked at you. "Let's not have that attitude, y/n, I'm trying to film a memory here." You flipped him off. Fifteen minutes later, he was still filming and he grimaced. "What?" you asked, annoyed. "You might want to wipe that sweat off your forehead, love, you're looking all shiny on camera." You picked up the remote off the bedside table and threw it at him. "Somebody's touchy," he said, after he'd ducked to miss it. He didn't put the camera down until the baby was in your arms and you asked him if he wanted to hold her.

Liam: Liam would just be perfect. There is no joke. He would talk quietly to you and hold your hand and kiss your forehead and let you squeezed his forearm until he hurt as much as you did but he'd still be smiling and he'd tell you that he loved you and when you had your baby he would stare lovingly at it until his eyes welled up and he'd kiss your forehead, and the baby's too and ahhhhh perfect Liam.

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