#76 How You Two Spend A Rainy Day

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Louis: "Is there any particular reason we have to practice in the pouring rain?" you shout over the roaring sound of raindrops colliding with roofs and cars. "I have to be ready for distractions, Y/N," he responds with a grunt as he boots the soccer ball into your makeshift goal-two paint cans spread equally apart. "I'm on the Doncaster Rovers, I've got to be good!" You groan, and the ball cracks against the wooden fence behind you. Taking your time picking it up, you toss it back to Louis. As he positions himself for another kick, you assure him, "Louis, you're amazing, and you know it. Now can we go inside?" He sighs and picks up the ball, lazily rocking it in his hands. "I guess so," he surrenders. You frown, walking over to him. "Hey," you say, tilting his chin up to face you, "You'll be incredible, Lou. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one." A small smile begins to emerge on his face. "Thank you, babe. I love you," he says, giving you a short, sweet kiss, "Now let's get you out of this weather." He throws his arm around your waist and leads you back into the house. "You know if I get sick you're taking care of me, right?" you joke.

Harry: As raindrops raced one another down your living room window, you shifted closer to Harry, nuzzling your face into his neck. "This is nice," you breathe, tickling his skin and sending shivers down his spine. "Mmm," he replies nostalgically, "Yeah." You sigh and lazily inspect the fire Harry had gotten going (after googling it twice and watching a youtube how-to video). A certain kind of peace washed over you while you watched the embers dancing, jumping back and forth one after another. The crackling of heated wood was certainly the most beautiful music you'd ever heard. You look up at Harry, who's nursing his mug of hot chocolate. He meets your gaze, and there was something in his eyes, something you'd never seen before. You saw his eyes as he got down on one knee, as you walked down the aisle, as he held your first child. It was like something straight out of a movie. "I love you," Harry randomly announces, drowsiness apparent in his tone. You smile. This moment was so perfect something was bound to happen. You weren't worried though; you had Harry there to protect you and to cuddle with while rain poured down outside. "I love you too," you reply.

Niall: You huff as you toss another pillow onto your growing pile. "Why are we doing this again?" you ask Niall while he clips a blanket to the edge of your dining room table. "Because it's fun," he replies shortly, his deep concentration on placing the blanket just right never wavering. "But you're nineteen." For the first time since he decided to build a fort, he looked directly into your eyes. "You're never too old for a fort, Y/N." Rolling your eyes, you walk over to the pantry to get food from the list Niall wrote. Mostly junk food, of course. You allotted him potato chips, but traded the marshmallows for apple slices. It had taken you longer than you thought, because when you get back, it seemed the fort had been completed. After securing one last clip and brushing off a quilt, Niall stands proudly beside it, hands positioned on his hips, and smiles wildly at you. "So what do you think?" he asks with great speed and excitement. "It's lovely," you reply, using the most sophisticated, royalty-like voice you could manage. He bows his head and motions for you to give him your hand. Planting a kiss on it, he announces, "Your palace is complete, Princes Y/N." You blush. "Why thank you, Prince Niall." "May I escort the lovely lady inside?" You giggle. "You may."

Liam: Liam excitedly gasps. "Y/N!" he screams, "It's raining outside! This is amazing, it's absolutely horrid out there!" You sprint down the stairs and meet him at the window. "No way!" You both squeal and high five. "You know what this means?!" You nod. "Oh, yeah." In perfect synchronization, you both screech, "Movie day!" Then you split up; you head to get the snacks, and Liam picks out a large array of classics and chick flicks. You can hardly contain your excitement as the final pops of the popcorn burst out. Liam, having selected the best DVDs, set up blankets and pillows on the couch. You tossed him a bag of M&Ms, which he gladly accepted and poured into a bowl. Carefully taking the bag of movie theater butter popcorn out of the microwave, you click off the lights and skip to the living room. You set down the popcorn and happily cuddle into Liam's side. A couple hours later, the ending credits of Grease scroll across the TV screen, and you contentedly sigh. "This is really nice, Liam," you say. "Yeah, it is," he replies, "It really is." After putting in a new movie, Liam returns to the couch, pulling you back in, and announces, "I love you, Y/N." Smiling, you gladly return, "I love you too, Liam." You reach up and kiss his lips softly. "You taste like popcorn," you giggle. "Yeah, well you taste like Redvines and M&Ms."

Zayn: You exaggerate your groan as the rain once again blurs your drawing. "This is so frustrating," you complain to Zayn, who was clearly amused by your annoyance. He shakes his head and turns his attention back to his painting-which was supposed to be you-but the rainfall had made it look like some sort of disfigured lion. You went for a more simple flower. The rain, however, was determined not to let either of you succeed in your mission to paint in a storm. "But it's fun," Zayn counters. You roll your eyes and look back at your canvas; there really was no arguing with that. About a half hour later, the lightning started acting up, and Zayn decided it was best to go back inside. After sliding the glass door closed, he got out two easels and set up your "artwork". You frown after they're set side by side. "Well damn it. Yours looks like it belongs in some art exhibit, and mine looks like I bought it off the black market and ran over it with my car." Zayn laughs and hugs you from behind. "What can I say, I'm an artist," he jokes. "That's not what you're supposed to say. Please review the script and try again." He chuckles again, softer this time, and kisses your temple. "Why don't we go shower all this nature off, yeah?" he murmurs lightly into your ear, somehow sending shivers and warmth through your body at once.

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