#31 Nothing Like Us By Justin Bieber

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Harry: (‘Cause nothing could ever, ever replace you)
You packed your bag and tried to hold back the tears. You were about to leave Harry, because Harry cheated on you. ‘You can’t do this (y/n)!’ Harry cried. You just said nothing and walked down the stairs. ‘Nothing could ever replace you. You know that!’ Harry whispered. You nodded ironically. ‘Sure you said that to her too’ With this words you walked away, not looking back.

Zayn: (And know we won’t find a love that’s so true)
Zayn stood infront of you and looked in your eyes. He got on his knees and said ‘(y/n), will you marry me?’ You just stared at him. ‘You want to marry me?’ you asked. ‘Yes. Because you are my true love. You won’t find another love that’s so true. So will you marry me?’ You sighed and nodded. He started laughing and hugged you.

Niall: (Have you been drinkin’, to take all the pain away?)
You were at home waiting for your boyfriend Niall. It was the third time he was too late in one week. You suddenly heard the door got open. It was Niall, almost drunk. ‘Why are you doing this?’ you asked almost teared up. ‘Doing what?’ he asked back. ‘Getting drunk. Are you drinking to take all the pain away?’ you cried. He sighed and started crying too. ‘Somebody in my family died. I’m Sorry I haven’t told you…’ You hugged him during the whole time he cried just to show him you’re there for him.

Liam: (I wish I could give you what you deserve)
Liam stood in the door of your flat as you started to cry. He was about to leave for tour. ‘I’m really sorry (y/n). I wish I could give you what you deserve. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who is not always away, not leaving you alone so much.’ You started laughing throught your tears and walked towards him. ‘Liam James Payne, I do deserve you. You are the best boyfriend a girl could get. Now go and have fun on tour.’ you told him. He gave you one last kiss and walked out.

Louis: (Nothing can make me feel like you do)
Louis had an Interview today. As always you watched it from home. The interviewer asked everyone of them a few questions and showed some videos of the boys which were funny. At the end everyone should say something about their relationships. Louis started and you listened careful to what he said: ‘Hey (y/n), I know you’re watching this. I want to say that your the best fan I have. And nothing and nobody can make me feel like you do. You’re the only person I don’t want to prank tooo hard. So, thank you for everything.’ You couldn’t wait for him to get home.

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