#26 Stay By Cher Lloyd (Part 1)

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Niall turning woke you up from your dreams. You looked over at him just hear him say,” why do you hate me? Tell me before I leave forever!” you panicked a little inside. You lifted his head to your lap trying to wake him up.”Niall,what were you dreaming about? Who hate you? Leaving where?” a tears began to build up in his eyes.”I’m tired of the hate, the bad comments. I want to leave to a place where there nothing of that! Where I can be myself and love you I want without being hated on, as well for what I look like. The band could so much better without me. The odd Irish one,”

A tear slid down your cheek when you heard how serious he was talking. He looked away from you. You moved his chin to where Niall was staring right into you eyes. “Stay with me,” you sang softy to him as he let his tears run down his red stain cheeks.


Harry sat in the corner of the bed room you and Harry use to share. You that left that morning when pictures of Harry  and a model at a club were all over the t.v. The only thing he could see was the reflection of he’s blood red stained face with tears in the window leading to the city view you both loved. The only thing Harry could think of was you and only you. He didn’t care that his pride was on the floor. He loves you and regrets everything he did, but he knows that you wont believe any of his words, not even if he begs for you. It breaks your heart not to take him back but sometimes you just have to let go of something you really loved, no mater how hard it is for both of you.


‘she’s to fat’ ‘how can Louis love her?’ “You don’t deserve to live."   “Why did Louis even pick you? Look at you. You’re a big fat cow!"

"Everything you sit down on, sinks!"

"You were such a fat child, and you’re still fat!"

If the world is wearing thin. You closed  your laptop screen. Tears had found there way into your vision. But that didn’t stop you from reaching for you secret blade under your bathroom sink in the bedroom you shared with Louis. Louis doesn’t know about the cutting just the hate. He never knew since he’s always busy with the new album to find something strange. He knows how much it really get to you. You sat on the floor near the bath tub. You rose the blade to your wrist. Tears slipped your cheeks on to your write right where a green line ran up your arm. You took a long, deep, shaky breathe. The blade slide your wrist. Blood fell onto the floor. Your vision began to black out when you hear Louis voice yelling your name as he pulled his phone out calling an ambulance.”(Y/N) please stay awake! This isn’t a way to escape the hate. Please don’t leave me (Y/N)!”

“Sing to me Lou”

“ If the world is wearing thin and you thinking of escape”  Louis sang your favorite song to you before everything went black.

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