#17 Your Christmas Tradition

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Niall: “Alright, are all the gifts sorted?” Niall called to you through the bedroom door. You were finishing wrapping Niall’s gifts in your bedroom while he wrapped yours in the spare room. “Yep, one last piece of tape and we’re good” you called, and Niall walked in. You had a laundry basket of gifts for Niall, that he smiled at. “Wow, you may have actually matched what I got you. I never thought it’d be possible! I am going to have to buy more next year” he laughed, and you shook your head smiling. You put the gifts beside the tree and sat down on the couch. “Ready?” he asked, and you nodded. Niall fished out his phone and dialed the number. “Get me some extra chicken balls” you called as you went to get a bottle of water. Every Christmas eve, after finishing wrapping gifts, you and Niall would get Chinese food. It started the first year when, instead of watching dinner, you really got into the Christmas spirit and forgot it didn’t take two hours to cook pizza. The only thing opened at 11 pm on Christmas was a Chinese food restaurant, and since then it had become a tradition for you two. “Okay, everything’s ordered. Want to help me set the table?” Niall asked, and you nodded. You two put out Christmas napkins and placemats and settled in for a delicious Christmas eve meal.

Liam: “It’s 34 Kings Street apartment 4” you said, glancing over at Liam with a huge smile on your face. He was dressed as Santa Clause and you could tell he was loving every minute of it. “Okie doke Mrs Clause! Ho! Ho! Ho!” he said, and you laughed. You looked in the back of the car and saw the huge bag of presents and smiled. Every year, on Christmas eve, you and Liam dressed up like Santa and Mrs Clause. You two would adopt a family to buy gifts for, and bring them their gifts. This year, you had a family of seven. A mom, a dad, a twelve year old girl, ten year old boy, twin seven year old boys and a little four year old boy. You had two huge bags full of gifts for each of them. As you pulled up, you and Liam were smiling wide. “You go first” you said, pushing Liam and giving him his bag. “Alright alright” he said, walking up the stairs. You followed close behind and Liam knocked on the door. The door swung open and the twelve year old girl’s jaw dropped. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Liam said, and you smiled. You gave each of the kids their gifts, and the parents, and enjoyed an evening with them. You told them they could only open one gift because Santa had to go and give gifts to other little kids. They were overjoyed, and went straight to bed. The parents were so thankful, and you and Liam felt amazing about yourselves. Keeping that tradition going every year made Christmas amazing.  

Louis: “I can’t find it anywhere!” you screamed, ripping through your closet. “I know the feeling, you stepped your game up woman!” Louis called back. You left the closet and threw the blanket covering up. You revealed a bright red box with a bow on it. “Got it!” you screamed, racing back to the couch. “Damn” he whispered as you bolted by with your gift in hand. He went to look in the laundry closet. “In the towels? Really?” he asked and you chuckled to yourself. He plopped down on the couch beside you and shook it. Every year, you and Louis would hide your last gift around the house. It started when, one year, Louis had hidden your gifts and totally forgotten where. You two had to do a massive hunt to find them all, and so began the hiding gifts tradition. Louis nodded at you, urging you to open your gift. You lifted off the box top and smiled at the beautiful candle set inside. “Well worth the search. And we have to dust under the bed” you laughed, giving him a kiss.

Zayn: Every year, you and Zayn woke up and, before opening presents, made cinnamon rolls. As you stood in the kitchen, watching your baked goods rise, Zayn smiled. “The funniest story is how this all started though” he laughed. “I know! We completely forgot it was Christmas, woke up late, made cinnamon rolls then turned on the radio and voila! ‘Merry Christmas’” you laughed, and Zayn laughed with you. The oven dinged and you reached in to get the pan of cinnamon rolls. You iced yours, and Zayn looked on. “Can you, maybe…” he started, but you shook your hand at him. “I will ice yours if you pour me a coffee with that hazel-“ “I know” he replied, smirking. Every year was the same routine with that, too. You’d ice his cinnamon roll if he would make you your coffee. You slid the plate down the counter to him and he did the same with your coffee. You both sat at the counter and ate, looking on at all the Christmas gifts you were going to be able to open soon.

Harry: Your eyes fluttered open and your lips immediately curled into a smile. Most people would do so because it’s Christmas, one of the absolute best days of the year. Instead, you did so because of Harry. Harry walked towards you, tray in hand. “Breakfast?” he asked, and you smiled wider. It was chocolate chip pancakes, watermelon and hot chocolate. “Yum, looks delicious” you smiled, sliding to a sitting position as Harry placed the tray above your waist. You grabbed the fork and knife and started eating while Harry smiled. A few years ago, you had mentioned how Christmas wasn’t as fun for you as it was for everyone else. When Harry asked why, you explained that, because you bought all the gifts there was no big surprised. You knew what was coming, and that kind of spoiled things. On top of that, you were exhausted from the month of shopping that had just passed. That Christmas, you woke up to a lovely surprise. Harry had made you breakfast in bed. Harry continued to do it every year and, though it was no longer a surprise, you still felt very special. “This is so good” you sighed, leaning your head back. “Good! Eat quick, I want to open some presents. And I have a bunch of surprises for you” he said, kissing your forehead and going out to clean the kitchen. 

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