#71 You Have To Move In With Him

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You sat on the edge of your bed, staring at your dark wall. Since your parents had died, you had had to move in with your older brother Niall. It was your first night in his flat and he was late coming home from the studio. Of course he had tried to get off to make sure you weren’t alone all day on your first day with him but you know management. Tears began to pour from your eyes as you watched the lights slowly fade from the window, your room getting steadily darker. You missed your parents. “Princess? What’re you still doing up? What’s wrong?” Niall had apparently gotten home and walked into your bedroom, swinging his keys. He had asked the last question suddenly alarmed and quickly crouched in front of you. “I couldn’t sleep-without the TV on or the smell of mum’s cooking or the clink of her dishes…” it was childish and you knew; you were a teenager for goodness sake, you were used to being home alone. But the fact that you would never have those feelings again…Niall softly cooed under his breath and put his hands gently on your cheeks, wiping away the tears as they continued to come. “Come sleep with me love, I can promise you things are going to get better,” he forcefully gathered you up in his arms and carried you into his bedroom, tucking you under his covers and climbing in next to you, bringing you into a little ball on his chest and rocking you back and forth.


“Where do you think you’re going?” Harry asked, spinning around from his seat on the couch. “It’s late (Y/N).” You silently bit your tongue for not having been quieter and mumbled, “I’m just going out Harry.” He raised an eyebrow, “No you’re not.” You glared at him as he glared right back. Harry was, strangely enough, much more strict than your parents had ever been. You had only lived with Harry for a week and a half now since your mum had passed away and there had been some friction between you two. “You can stare at me all you want, you’re not leaving this late,” he said firmly, turning back to face the TV. Harry hadn’t been this protective as an older brother, you were so confused. “Why are you doing this to me?” you shouted, throwing your bag down and slamming the door shut. He raised his eyebrow again, “Doing what exactly darling sister?” “Ruining my social life, or my life in general I suppose. I get that it’s been hard for you. It’s been hard for all of us. But keeping me locked up in here with you isn’t helping at all.” He stood up silently, coming over to tower over you, his breathing deep and you were expecting his rage. But when he spoke his voice was soft and he put a gently hand on your cheek, “I’m ‘ruining’ your life because I love you. I’m protecting you the way I couldn’t protect mum when she got in the accident. If anything ever happened to you…I’d be finished.”


The two of you sat on boxes in your room, facing each other. You were refusing to leave your old house; it was the last place you had been with your mum before she died. Zayn was staring straight at you but you refused to look his in the eye incase he saw how red yours were. He put a hand on your leg and squeezed, “Come on babe, we have to leave. We’ve been sitting here for twenty minutes.” “I don’t want to leave Zayn,” you whispered, looking down at the floor and kicking a spot in the rug. He pulled his box closer to yours and tilted your chin to face him. Once you saw the gentle look in his eyes, you completely lost it. He moaned and pulled you across into his chest, holding you tightly, “I know it’s hard. But you need to let go. I have to let go as well and the first step is getting ourselves out of the house.” “But if I leave,” you choked out. “I’ll never be able to feel like mummy’s still with us Zayn.” He nodded haltingly, “I know what you mean. It took all my effort to put her bed sheets into a laundry basket because it meant like it wouldn’t smell like her anymore. But I couldn’t walk around for the rest of my life dragging a sheet behind me. I kept her pillowcase. So (Y/N), I think you should take this,” he handed you your mum’s old jewelry box and smiled lightly as you looked it over and hugged it to your chest. “Mum will never leave us, but she would want us to keep going. And we can’t do that if we sit here all day, yeah?”


You had your arms around his neck as he carried you on his back into his flat where you were now moving into. He set you down on the kitchen counter, dropping your backpack down and turning to you, his face now serious, “You’re living with me now because mum thinks you’ll be able to be happier here, since you weren’t doing so well at home. I’m overly excited that you’re staying with me but we need to establish some ground rules first, yeah?” He was looking so firm and protective you couldn’t help but nod. He smiled and began, “Okay, no more hiding what you’re feeling. That’s what screwed you up in the first place. You need to come and talk to me when you’re feeling upset no matter what time it is or what it’s about. You also need to be honest. No sneaking out and no stealing my car keys. And unfortunately, I’m gonna need some respect; what I say goes. And lastly, most importantly, no changing the channels on the TV when I’m not looking. Okay?” This is why you loved your brother, he could go from being so serious to making everything light again. You giggled and agreed, kissing his nose and jumping down from the counter. He smiled and ruffled your hair, grabbing your hand, “Good, now that we’ve got that sorted, how about we go out and get something to eat yeah?”
 You sat in your brother’s arms on the couch in his flat, staring blankly at his TV. Ever since you had been acting up in school and getting into trouble, your parents had sent you to live with your older brother. Liam had always been the overprotective brother who could get you to do anything and who you trusted your life with. Your parents figured, if anyone could help you out it was Liam. But since you had moved in, he wasn’t letting you do anything. Liam’s protectiveness had gone up several notches with your new behavior and he was even less trusting than before. “Liam, how come I can’t go out tonight?” “Because it’s a Friday night,” he said listlessly, engaged in the show on the telly. You sat up in his arms and raised an eyebrow, “So?” He looked down at you, a little surprised, but answered anyways, “Friday is a party night, don’t act like I’m stupid.” “Don’t you trust me though?” you tried sneakily. He lowered the volume and looked at you steadily, “No. I don’t. And I’m sorry, but you’re living with me now and there’s a reason for that. I love you enough to not trust you and to act on that feeling.” You groaned and leaned back into him, turning the volume back up and shouting, “I love you too but life officially sucks!” “Living under my roof you live by my rules kiddo,” he teased.

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