#74 His First Thoughts About You When He Wakes Up

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Harry: He thinks about that look you give him that never fails to release the butterflies in his stomach, the one that basically says: "You're an idiot, but I love you." He thinks about your beautiful smile, the one that can make any man fall to his knees in a heartbeat. And he thinks about your cute little nose that always wrinkles when you laugh, many times followed by a cute little snort that you try to hide. He thinks about all of your quirks, and remembers why he loves each and every one of them.

Liam: He thinks about what you're going to do that day. He wonders if maybe you'd prefer going out to dinner, or staying home and cooking it yourselves, if you'd like to spend a night out on the town, or cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, or even if you'd enjoy a simple walk in the park. He never makes it about him, you're his first priority, so he's always itching to do something that you're interested in.

Louis: He thinks about something that he'd love to surprise you with. Louis is very big on spoiling you rotten, whether it be with unnecessary jewelry or sporadic day trips to Milan for a shopping spree, he's always making you feel like royalty. You always insist that it's not necessary and that you don't need him to buy you things, you simply love spending time with him. But it's impossible to argue with Louis and you'll never win, plus you're not exactly complaining about the romantic weekend away in Paris.

Niall: He thinks about how you're doing. Are you happy? Most wouldn't depict Niall as sensitive, but when it comes to you, he's just one big ball of mush. He's always worried about you, if you're doing okay, if he's treating you the way you deserve to be treated and if the hate that you're receiving is getting to you. He's very in tune to your feelings, and you appreciate it so much. Nobody's ever cared about you the way that Niall does.

Zayn: He thinks about your future together, the kids you're going to have, the white picket fence with the big backyard for them to play in, how beautiful you're going to look throughout the years. He wants nothing more than to grow old with you, to watch your kids grow up and leave the nest and spend his golden years with you by his side. He thinks about it a lot, and it's just a matter of time before he pops the question.

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