#72 You're Mentioned In An Interview

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Harry: "So, are any of you boys available?" The woman asked. "Taken," "Off the market," "Gotta girlfriend," came Liam, Zayn, and Louis' responses. Niall shrugged, shaking his head no, and then smiled. "Haz's got himself a little lady...Y/N," he smirked. He wasn't quite sure if you wanted to make things public yet. His cheeks went pink and he covered his face with his hands. "Oooo, is that true? Well you heard it here ladies; Niall Horan is the only single one in the group!" The interviewer announced. Harry looked up and had a cheesy smile, but his cheeks were still rosy red.

Louis: Watching the boys on the television tonight, you saw how the interview was leading. "Lou, are you still with Eleanor? You two were a lovely couple," he grimaced and the boys chuckled. "We broke up about five months ago. However, I'm seeing someone else," he smirked into the camera. You could almost hear the teen girl screams of heartbreak. "Really? What's her name? Tell us about her," and he shrugged. Liam beat him to it, "Her name's Y/N, she's got y/c/h and y/c/e. She's very sweet, I'm surprised she puts up with Lou, however," and the interviewer laughed. "Hop off mate," Lou said slugging him in the arm with a sly smile.

Niall: "So the question all girls, all around the world, are waiting for- who's single and who's taken?" Ellen asked. "Well, I have a girlfriend now," Niall answered. Ellen smiled and started talking to him about you. "What's her name? How'd you two meet? Niall! You finally found your princess, I'm excited for you!" She cheered. "Her name's Y/N, she's funny, bright, and is a massive cuddler. We watch movies all the time and cuddle up with blankets and food and just have times to ourselves. But we met in the US leg of our TMH tour, she was in the we were in and introduced herself. She was so sure of herself, it was adorable and I'm beginning to go on and on," he laughed. The boys are poked fun at him and Ellen beamed.

Liam: During the whole interview Liam had been dreading the "taken or single" question. His short fling with Sophia was still in the air and didn't want to get more hate or feel unloved by fans again when he brought you up. He actually decided not to bring you up when Alan Carr asked, "So Liam, who is this? It's not Sophia.." And there on the screen was a picture of you and him, holding hands while walking in the airport. "That's, well uh, that's Y/N..." He looked down and Zayn elbowed his side. "Calm down mate," he whispered and Liam took a deep breath. "Yeah, that's Y/N. We've been talking for a week or so now- I'm really into her," and Alan Carr smirked and went onto the next photo, which was Harry and Niall at the VMA's.

Zayn: "Zayn, are you taken?" The interviewer asked. Zayn had just finished texting you a cutesy text and was being brought back into the interview. "Yes," he said before thinking. Management wanted him to keep your relationship on the DL for the time being and you just blew it. "Really? What's her name?" Zayn looked offstage to see some stern looks. "Fix this," someone mouthed. Liam saw and started talking to Harry about this girl, Y/N, and how she'd been with them on tour the last few shows. She was Josh's sister and she and Zayn always managed to get in slap fights. "It's quite the site to see," Louis added and Niall simply laughed at the absurdity of it.

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