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Our lips were about to meet...when i received a text message. We shocked and leaned back. I looked on my phone. It's cindy. "HEY SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING. HOW IS IT GOING???" Ugh. "W..who is it?" He asked awkwardly and blushing. Awwww he's so adorable. "Not important. So..where were we?" I smirked. He leaned in again and so did I. We closed our eyes..and our noses bumped into each other. We both laughed. He placed his hand on my cheek and we tried it again. Our lips finally met and we shared a long kiss. It wasn't perfect..but it wasn't bad either. It's our first kiss so it doesn't have to be perfect..i guess. We leaned back and looked each other in the eyes. "So..can I call you my girlfriend now?" I blushed. "Yeah..haha." he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "I have to go now.." he said all of a sudden. "Okay, i'll walk you to the door." We stood up and walked downstairs, hand in hand. "Angie? Do you got to tell us something?" I blushed. I didn't even know my parents were home. I totally forgot about them. "Hello mr and mrs Cararra. I'm Oscar." Aww he is so mature and respectful towards my parents. My parents greeted them back and he left the house after a while. "Seems like a nice guy to us." My dad said. "Yes, he is." My mom hugged me. "My little girl is growing up so fast!" "Hahah..mooomm..."

I Want You Back.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt