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"German, please. Don't do this to me. You should..you should leave." I heard her say in a sad tone. I stood up, ready to leave, when i saw something lying on the floor. I bend over to grab it. It was a picture of us. Ripped in two pieces. She looked so happy.. "I wish i could see that smile of yours again.." "Which part of GO AWAY don't you understand? leave me alone!" She screamed sounding as if she was very close to crying. I should leave her now..i guess she needs some time alone. I walked to the door..when i heard her say "Today is not a good day to..do the project." "i guessed." i responded and i shut the door behind me.


I put my head into my pillow and cried my eyes out. I don't know which is worse..Not being able to completely feel like Oscar's girl..or not being able..to..completely make myself free from German..Ugh! Why is love so fucking complicated?.. Actually, i shouldn't have been so rude towards German, i guess. Yes, he has hurt me..but..he specially came to my house to talk about something. It must be important then, I guess. And the thing he said..I wish i could see that smile of yours again.. I couldn't get the sentence out of my mind. He noticed. He noticed i haven't been myself for months. I should let him talk. Tomorrow. When we're meeting up for that stupid project. Or now? I don't think i will be able to sleep with all this in my head though.. I have to go to his house.

Hey guys,
I know it may not say anything to you but i have to say it anyways to get it off my chest.. I have to do a blood test tomorrow or somewhere this week..I'm kinda nervous :/. It's not that I fear needles but I hate waiting for results and I fear them being negative..
Btw i have amenia, that's something when there are not enough oxygen cells in your blood so you feel really tired when you've had a long day. Ugh. Cross your fingers. 😕✌

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