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I am walking through the hallways..and i got a feeling that everyone is staring at me. And not in the good way. They are staring at me in disgust. Everyone is whispering things in each other's ears. Then they even started to yell 'whore/slut' at me. Wtf is wrong with these people?!
"You're a whore! A stupid whore!" Some guy yelled and everyone started laughing. "Hey, Angie! Wanna take pics together?!" Someone yelled at me and again, everyone started laughing and shouting.
I tried so hard not to cry my eyes out. Then i saw Cindy. She grabbed my arm and took me with her in an empty classroom. "Angie!" She shouted worriedly. I hugged her and immediately started crying. "W..why everybody being mean to me?!" I sobbed. She started to rub my back cheerfully. "Angie..someone of you.." i stopped crying and it felt like my whole world was falling apart. This..this can't be true. "" i said not believing the situation i was standing in. "Angie?.." "No this CAN'T BE TRUE! NO!!" i cried and kicked some tables and chairs and started to panick. Cindy calmed me down. "Was it to..German?" She asked carefully. "thaT STUPID FUCKING LIAR..I..I T-TRUSTED HIM! AGH!! HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID...HOW!!?!?" "shh, Angie, calm down. It's okay he will learn his lesson. Plus, no one can proof it's you on the pics.." i came to my normal breathing again. She was kinda right. " GONNA UUUGHHH IM GONNA SHOW HIM SOMETHING ELSE..NOW!!" "No! Angie! Wait!!" "LEAVE-ME-ALONE! IM GONNA KILL THAT ^^&"&#&&@@&"

Okay..this was a little agressive. 😂😂😂 but what would you do when something like this happened to you???

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