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I told my parents I was going to Cindy's and i left the house. On my way to German's. It was dark. Really dark. I rushed to his house as fast as i could..
I was standing before his house. The same curtains he opened when i texted him i was on my way..The same doormat..where we used to share a thousand kisses when I was about to leave his place..They haven't changed. But we have.
I rang the doorbell and i heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. Then he opened the door..and looked at me in confusion.


"Angie? What are you doing here? It's so late..and..i thought you didn't want to see me anymore." I was confused but also happy. She thought about me. "Yeah..German..I'm sorry..about.." "Shh, come in. We need to talk." She walked into the house and we went upstairs, to my bedroom.
I saw her looking around my room. "Nothing changed, huh?" I said. "" she responded and sat down on my bed. "So, what do you wanna talk about so badly?" "Can I ask you something?" I suddenly said. "Yeah?.."


He's being really weird..he needs to get to his point. "Are you happy?" He asked. I widened my eyes. "Y..yes.." i said with a shaky voice. "Why do you ask?" But he skipped my question. "What do you think of me?" "German, why are you aski-" but he wouldn't let me finish my sentence. "Do you hate me?" Yes. I hate much. But still. I can't go a day without thinking about you. "I guess so." I answered, being completely honest. "Why?" He asked again. Haha. Why? Why?! "You broke my fucking heart and ask why i hate you?" I stood up and almost shouted. "That's the problem, Angie. You don't know what was going on wi-" "German if we're here to talk about THIS then i'm here for nothing. You hurt me. You're just trying to get me confused, huh? But you know what? I'm happy! Without you." I stormed out of his room and then made my way back home.

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