That kiss..

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// i felt his soft lips pressed against mine and we were kissing in perfect rhytm. It felt amazing. As if a thousand butterflies were flying through my stomach. I broke the kiss and pulled away to look into the eyes of...German?//
I shocked out of my sleep. Fuck. It was just a dream..But..the guy i was kissing was German. It felt so real. Maybe it's because i can't stop thinking about our last kiss.
No don't be stupid Angie..
Snap out of it.


It's 4 a.m. and i suddenly woke up from an amazing dream. I was kissing Angie. I wish it was reality. I wish she was lying next to me and felt the same way about me..but she moved on. I should do that too. But the problem is..I don't wanna give up on her. On us..
I grabbed my phone and texted her.


I wanted to go back to sleep again..when i received a text message. The name that appeared on my screen made my heart beat faster.. it's German. "Angie, that kiss..x G." I immediately let my phone fall down on my bed..a few minutes later, when i finally had the courage to pick it up, i texted him back.. "I know. But it's better to not talk about it anymore, German.. A." I pressed send. It's unbelievable how strong our bond still is..

Hellooo please tell me, what do you think about this book so far? Any suggestions? :)

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