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I woke up next to German with a slight feeling of guilt..
Was it a right choice to let him be my first time?.. Oh god Angie stop over-thinking so much. You know you loved every minute of it and you won't regret it...
I felt him getting closer to me and reaching my ear. "We have to get up, starts in an hour." School? Omg i totally forgot about school..and my parents..MY PARENTS!! How am I going to explain i wasn't sleeping home on a school night?! "Ughh..just 5 more minutes, German."


I was sitting next to Cindy in English class. I felt like she was kinda ignoring me...
"Cindy?" I tried to talk to her. "I'm trying to follow the class, Angie."
"Cindy, come on..why are you acting so cold to me?" "I don't know...go ask your booooyyfriend.."
Ohh now i see what the problem is.
"Aawwee..youre jealous!!! How cute." I teased her. She was trying to hold back her smile but she failed. "No but really, i miss youuuu.." she said pouting. "I miss you toooo..and I'm sorry for letting you feel like i forgot about you. I promise we will have a girls night together soon." "Okay, promised!" And we hugged each other.
The rest of the class was going okay. It was boring and Oscar annoyed me a lot with his stupid comments on everything that's being said. He kept on looking at me and was trying to find ways to get me mad. But it won't work, because I really don't care about him.
The bell rang. German walked up to me and kissed my lips. Him, Cindy and me talked a bit and wanted to go for lunch. "Oh, wait. I forgot my bag at my table." German said a few minutes later. I heard Oscar and his friends giggling. What's their problem..
German grabbed his bag and came back to us and we went somewhere to have some lunch together.

I know it was booooring but i promise it will get better :}

How was your day?
Mine was okay but now it's amAAZING bc im going on a kinda date soon with someone. 😜

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