Ch.7 Black Mercedes lining

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   "Ohm never comes to school! Besides he's always with someone." Jonathan said as he bit his carrot with too much force, causing him to bite his tongue.
"Okay but he's reaching out to you. That's a sign of improvement." Craig kept trying to persuade the fragile boy into giving in. They all knew Ohm wasn't a good guy, but at least he was attractive to some intent.
"Why don't you just date another girl? They're easier than gay men." Marcel said as Felix raised an eyebrow. "How the hell is that possible?"

"I just don't want to. Why can't that be respected?" Jonathan could taste the blood in his mouth by now.
"Don't be complaining that you have no one to talk to then." Craig said, hinting at Jonathan's loneliness.
"Weren't you supposed to stay after class?" Felix asked.  Jonathan slumped his shoulder, "Yeah, he must've forgotten."

"Or we might have been right about the steroids." Craig snickered.
At the tables they sat at, a tall blonde with blue eyes stopped the commotion with her announcement, "Hi it's me Kelly! So the cheerleaders and I have decided to do a fashion show with all the teachers to show off our new school merchandise!"

     The rest of the students cheered and the football team yelled. "So tomorrow at lunch we'll host Greensboro's high very first fashion show!" She said thrilled.

   "You think Tyler is still hitting that?" Craig asked as he stared at the football team.
       "Yeah, why wouldn't he." Marcel responded with Cheetos stuffed in his mouth.

   "Imagine Mr.Vanoss in those gray sweatpants." Jonathan laughed as his friends groaned in disgust.
"Oh that's nasty." Felix covered his eyes as if their teacher was really there.
Jonathan daydreamed for the rest of their conversations. When is he going to tell his friends that Mr. Vanoss lives right next to him or that he thinks that he's really attractive.

I must have a lot of issues.

Jonathan was awoken out of his dream state to see Marzia and Felix quietly talking by the vending machines. Felix's hands low and limp while hers was fidgeting on her chemistry notebook.
"Remember that last time Felix hit her with the soccer ball and Bryce had to make a big speech about soccer." Marcel had excessively accurate memory. That or he just loved that moment so very much.
"Oh God yes, Bryce swore like it was a gift to receive from the Gods. How soccer was a gift not blessed to many." Craig rolled his eyes as Jonathan giggled, his eyes crinkling a bit.
Felix wobbled back to the table with his head down.
"Well what happened." Jonathan asked, left leg bouncing up and down.
"I'm going to her house to study boys!"
They jumped from their hard seats and grabbed him in delight.
"My boy Felix isn't gonna die a virgin!" Marcel raised a fist in the air.

Walking to his next class, Jonathan went on with his day being his bubbly self, while Mr.Vanoss kept becoming fascinated by him. The grown man watched him walk into another classroom. The young boy looked like he was skipping down the halls, he was so joyful and giggly.
           Evan's class was quiet, the majority of them playing on their laptops instead of doing the assignment. Evan looked at his attendance sheets. He was missing a kid again named Ryan, Ohm. Evan's head tilted to the side in confusion. Odd name.

     As Jonathan started to doze off in class, his phone vibrated leaving him goosebumps. He shook himself awake. Looking down at his phone he saw a text from an unsaved number:

561: you know not ignoring me is always better for the soul, Jon.

    Jonathan's blue eyes widened as his lip quivered a little. He quickly responded:

561: Yeah, mini gave me your new number.

Jonathan sharply inhaled, he wanted to curse Craig out so badly. Yet he typed:
We don't have much to talk about so.. that was a waste buddy :)

561: I'll swing by your house later. I get bored easily anyways :*

      Jonathan rolled his eyes. The more he gave in the more desperate he looked.

  561: hey by the way, have you visited Luke?

Jonathan froze. His body went limp and his eye twitched. He left that alone. He didn't want to think about it nor say anything else.

      "What's a supplementary angle Jonathan?" The teacher asked, looking at Jonathan with an eyebrow raised.
    "Like an obese angle?" Jonathan said smiling wide, shining his bright teeth.
    The class laughed as well as the teacher. Jonathan just looked down at his chipped fingernails and fumbled with them. His mood was low now. Remembering how Luke was a really good friend. It pained Jonathan to remember what happened to him.

    Evan ran to his car as everyone left home. He deeply inhaled. His head pounded as he listened to the countless of voicemails Sydney left him. From accusations of cheating to "dinner would be ready at six." Evan's eyes fluttered while he bit his lip, deciding whether he wanted to go home or not. A blue beanie, fast walking Jonathan went by. Evan decided right there that a nice drive would be a smart thing to do. Now stalking Jonathan thing wouldn't be such an equivalent.

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