Ch.27 He's a fool in Love

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"Twins. I'm having twins?" Jonathan was close to sobbing, quite the crybaby.

"I have a question!" Said Marcel as he was fidgeting in his chair.

"What is it doll?" The doctor was quite the wooer. He put down his pen and clamped his hands together.

"What's different from male and female pregnancy?" Marcel swallowed after he asked. The doctor smiled and got up to pull out his laptop. He typed away and turned the screen to the two. A lady with red hair and a sundress came on.
Hello there! You look good today and hopefully you're eating while reading this. Anyways I am here to explain to you m-preg in this Universe.

1) You can get develop a uterus at age sixteen. It all depends on the male but they don't have periods. Their uterus is literally brand new and they can go through menopause at any age.

2) They can only have up to four kids in the womb otherwise it is automatic death for the carrier when children are born.

3) Only C-section. No such thing as natural birth.

4)It is extremely painful to GIVE BIRTH, But most males come out fine after a few days. Since males are new to this whole pregnant thing you take it worse than a female.

5)Men have nine months and a day pregnancies. If it is any longer you must go to the emergency room.

6)If you have more than one child in the womb it might be of two different fathers if had intercourse with multiple men. Sperm works different with male eggs.

7) There will be a high possibility that you will become hostile. Your mood will be extremely violent. Men often get moody more than women.

8) Craving will be no need. You will most likely have the desire for Sex more than anything else.

9) You will experience nose bleeds, enlarged G-spot, and erect nipples.

10) And as always morning sickness is going to be very common. You will feel woozy more often as well.


"Holy shit that was intense." Marcel said sitting on Jonathan's swivel chair. He chewed on his nails while Jonathan took off his shoes.

"I need to tell my mom but I need a dad." Jonathan sighed as thought of the guys he's slept with popped up. He shook his head throwing his shoe to the side.

"Craig, Ohm, or Vanoss." Marcel held up three fingers, wiggling them as he waited for Jonathan to answer.

"Take out Craig I slept with him five months ago." Jonathan laid on his side flipping through the channels.

"Fine then Ohm or Evan." Marcel tapped his fingers on the Chair


"No Jonathan."

    While the two were arguing Evan climbed into Jonathan's window and saw the two bickering. He felt like a wild animal about to prance onto his prey. "
   Well I never put my penis inside of you!" Marcel exclaimed.

"And you never will!" Jonathan retorted as he crossed his arms. The two stood still and abruptly felt the cold air.

"Good Boy." Said Evan scaring the two boys. They jumped a bit and Jonathan melted. He ran to Evan, hugging him.

"I knew you'd come around." Jonathan muttered in Evan's shoulder. Smelling him, he could sense his son, beef stew, and cigarettes.

"What the fuck!" Marcel was amazed. He took a step back as Evan looked up at him as Jonathan let go of the grown man.

"I'm so sorry." Evan said kissing Jonathan's cheek. It felt like it stung. Jonathan looked down at the mans shoes, looking up with sad eyes. Embracing his essence as he holds onto him.

"So Marcel. Are you going to help?" Jonathan asked as Evan stood taller, watching Marcel's every move.

"Your kids are not gonna be black!" Marcel groaned at his pregnant friend. His voice hitched and he looked at Evan, looking to the side.

"Who then!" Delirious said as he was in Evan's arms, Evan kissing the boy's neck. Marcel shook his head at the sight and sat back down. He smirked evilly and thought of the nicest but yet bonkers man you can ever meet.

"The one and only Ohm." Marcel saw Evan hold Jonathan tightly. He didn't get it. How Jonathan immediately was submissive to Evan. How no one else could treat him as badly as Evan can. Since he wouldn't let no one else do so. He was a fool in love.

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