Ch.23 Same shit a bit and poison plus illusions

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"I hope I can still have kids.'' Sydney said as she put on her silk pink shorts. She walked over to the nightstand and drank a glass of water. Evan listened to her every move, her small footsteps. How when she laid in bed, you couldn't even tell.

"How does male pregnancies work?" Evan put down the book he was looking at and waited on the bed for his wife to respond. When she turned around, she hesitated and tried to ignore the fact that he might of been intimate with the young boy.

"Well. Male pregnancies depend on the genetics. Most men can develop a uterus at a young age. I'm not sure how it goes away but something about them having male and female counterparts.'' Sydney was next to her husband, hearing how loud his heartbeat was.

"Can they get abortions too?" Evan was freezing cold, he tried to grab a blanket with his foot but it resulted in it falling to the wool carpet.

"Yeah and they're more likely to die than women.'' Sydney got up to get the blanket and threw it on Evan. He let the blanket hit him while he stared off into space. Slightly shaking his head he knitted his eyebrow together, "Why?'

Sydney smiled while letting out her breath, "Men don't have vaginas, they need to get C-sections.'' She laid down on the bed and turned on the t.v to some soap opera. Evan relaxed on his back, staring at the ceiling.

How does all this work?

Jonathan was dressed, washing his face. He looked himself in the mirror, fixing his hair he saw a dent on his forehead. Groaning, he slammed the toothbrushes down in an attempt to throw a tantrum. Only to pick them up and whisper sorry to them.

He stared at his reflection. I murdered someone for love. He grabbed the sink and sobbed. He grew up knowing it was wrong but he didn't remember why. He doesn't know why he's prone to such extreme feelings becoming physically harmful. He shivered at the thought of Evan knowing. He fell to the floor thinking of what he'd do to get the man's attention.

He headed downstairs, not bothering to get keys, his parents will be there. He locked the door and then headed towards Marcel's cheap car. Before he opened the car door he felt eyes. Like someone was watching. "You okay man? Get in!" Marcel called out, not wanting to address him if he's having baby problems since there's company.

Jonathan turned around seeing Cleo on the lawn of Evan and Sydney's house. Sydney saw him and called the little boy over. She picked him up and stood with one leg out and the other balancing her. She raised an eyebrow and puckered her lips. Jonathan blew a kiss towards her. She rolled her eyes and opened the red door, slamming it shut. Forgetting about the yellow toys on her yard. He jumped in the car and let the squeaky door close.

"So Jonathan how'd you get a whole party dedicated to you?" Bryce came out of nowhere. Jonathan bounced up and shrieked like a mouse. Seeing Bryce, Nogla and Brian cramped in the back seats.

"I thought it was for you.'' Jonathan spat out, making Marcel groan. Everyone could feel the tension, all except for Bryce.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's you. I cancelled mine cause Ohm wanted to throw something for you.'' Bryce said in a sing-songy tone. Sitting back, ignoring the fact that their was barely any room for them.

"Hey you fockin box! I'm right here!" Nogla said as Bryce hit him in the shoulder with his back. Both groaned at the impact.

"It's too quiet now.'' Marcel said as he made a hard turn, making everyone go sideways. Brian's eyebrows went up and he threw his hands in the air for more room to breathe.

"The hell you mean?" He asked, trying not to smell Nogla eating cheesy puffs.

"What are we going to be doing at the party or more like who are we!'' Marcel cracked up at his joke, making everyone the car groan and roll their eyes.

"Any lady who got a juicy booty!" Bryce made a spanking gesture. Jonathan's face reddened.

"Same here but with like chips." Nogla adjusted his glasses while jiggling, trying to dance while being stuck to the side of the cramped backseat.

"You're gonna have sex with chips?" Jonathan looked back to Noglas' face. His mouth was ajar and he turned red.

Nogla tried changing his answer but everyone by then was laughing till they were wheezing."For fucks sake."

"Put music on." Bryce pointed at the radio, hoping someone in front would know what he was doing. Marcel turned the radio on putting 93.1 fm.

"What channel is this?" Jonathan swallowed his pride and spoke up. The pit in his stomach going away.

"Jack FM." Marcel said turning up the volume. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap by AC/DC was playing making everyone in the car head bang except for the two in the front. Marcel looked at his close friend quickly, lowly asking, "Are you okay?"

Jonathan luckily heard and responded with a nod. Marcel warmly smiled and sang along with the song. Leaving Jonathan alone with his thoughts. Trying to gather himself from horribly crying, Jonathan began singing along.

Jonathan hates to admit this but he's been one of the best actors on the hit tv series "Life''. One of his favorite character's motto is to ignore it. Something he wished he could stop doing.

Marcel harshly stepped on the breaks, causing everyone in the back to jolt forward into the passenger seats. "We are here." Marcel stated the obvious in a British manner.

"Luckily in one piece." Nogla complained.

"Let's get drunk!" Bryce said running into Ohm's house. His very big, elegant, white, house.

"For fuck sakes he has a better home than me!'' Nogla yelled.

"And he has money." Marcel added, slowly walking towards huge front doors. Nogla and Jonathan followed. People were on the big, green yard with cups and food as well as making out. Once the three boys got in, everyone cheered. Nogla and Marcel smiled but Jonathan on the other hand started crying, like a really ugly cry.

"Dude why are you crying?" Felix, who was in the crowd, wrapped his arms around him. He let go and went with his girlfriend, both of them smiling at him.

Marcel put his arm around Jonathan, trying to comfort him even though he was laughing at the way Jonathan was looking. "It's so beautiful, so angelic, just excuse me I need a drink." People started laughing, handing Jonathan some beer, which because of that Jonathan was receiving dirty looks from Marcel.

Jonathan just looked at him innocently and started drinking. Ohm took notice of the tension between the two.

"C'mon let's get fucked up!" Ohm said wrapping his arm around all the three boys. Not so much Nogla since he's too tall for the wealthy boy.

Marcel shrugged off the overprotective side of him and he let loose. Laughing at everyone who was barfing over the black sofas.

Ohm ignored the mess by stepping over it. Calling the boys to come over. They walked into the enormous living room filled with dancing bodies who had liquid poison and illusions in their system.

And that's when the night began.

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