Chapter 17

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy well this chapter my friend @FangGirl24 is gonna write, so enjoy! :p


----Cody's POV---

I feel so stupid. How could I have forgotten her birthday? She hadn't said anything about it, and she didn't seem to mind, but still. I'm supposed to be the perfect boyfriend, and I can't even remember her birthday! I watched as she continued to write stuff down for her homework assignment.

She was beautiful. Her hair was falling into her face, so I reached out and tucked it behind her ear, my fingers lingering on her cheek, gently stroking her face. She looked up at me and smiled, blushing. I smiled back, and leaned in, pecking her lightly on the lips. She blushed a deeper shade of red, and ducked her head.

God, I loved her. But that doesn't give me an excuse to forget her birthday. I bit my lip, and started going through ideas.

I could take her on a date....

I could write another song for her....

I could take her to the beach, I knew she loved the beach...

I sat there lost in thought, while Brittany finished her homework. Then I got the perfect idea. Grinning, I took out my cell, and sent a text to my driver.

---Brittany's POV---

I sat in the back of Cody's car, looking out the window curiously. 

"Are we there, yet?" I asked, for about the thousandth time.

Cody just grinned, and shook his head. He'd been like this ever since I had finished my report on Australia. He had suddenly grabbed my hand and told me we were going somewhere. Of course, he left out where

I sighed, and went back to studying the scenery. We had been driving for quiet some time, and I was beginning to get annoyed.

"Come on, Cody." I said, "Where are we going, already?!"

"It's a surprise." He smirked, eyes twinkling.

I huffed, and crossed my arms. After about a minute, I bit my lip, and looked at him out of the corner of my eye,

"What kind of surprise?"

He grinned, and winked. I shook my head, and gave up. I suppose I'll find out when we get there, right?

I lost track of how long the drive was, and out of a desprate attempt to entertain myself, I began counting trees.

So far I was at 24.

"25... 26..."

I saw Cody shake his head, out of the corner of my eye. I turned to him,

"You have anything more interesting?"

He looked pass me and got this mischevious look in his eyes.

"You bet I do. Turn around."

I rolled my eyes, and turned back to my window. I gasped, and started boucing with excitement.

"The Grape Festival?! You're taking me to the Grape Festival? Oh my god, I LOVE YOU!" I shouted, throwing my arms around him in a hug.

He chuckled, and whispered in my hair,

"I love you, too." He pulled away, and got out of the car coming around to my side, and helping me out. I was litterally jumping for joy. I love the Grape Festival.

"Happy late Birthday!"


Note from FangGirl24:

Hey, sorry if it's stupid. Not my best work ever. Also really short. Hmm. But I hope you like it, and keep reading momcats101's stories! It was kinda rushed, so I hope this chapter isn't a dissapointment. :(

Anywho, love ya, girl! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Your Bestie-- Fang. ;P

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