Chapter 34 Dyslexia

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I woke up the next day in a strange teenage boy looking room. I sat up and looked around. Someone came through the door.

"Good mroning Angel." Cody smiled at me.

"Good mroning Cody." Then I rembered something I need to tell him. But I sort of want to wait. 

"What am i doing in your room?" I aksed as he sat down by me.

"Well you fell asleep on my shoulder, and i didn't want you stay there alone, and mom wanted me to stay here tonight so I brought you home." 

Well THAT makes some sense.

I got sat up beside him. 


"Yes Angel?" Those words brought back memories of him in a coma. 

"What am I going to do? I have no parents, and I can't just stay at my house my myself." 

Just then Lily walked through the cracked door.

"Lily, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I didn't want her to stay at your house alone, so......"

I sighed and leaned on Cody. 

"You can stay here, at my house." 

"Really?" I said shocked even though I was kind of hoping he would say that. 

"Yeah, I mean I arleady talked about it with my mom."

"Well, I guess I could, but you guys don't have an extra room?"

"I guess we don't." He smirked. 

"Hey now." I said lightly punching him in the arm. 

He laughed.  

"So." He said laying down. "Want to go get something to eat?"

I layed back and looked at the watch on his wrist. 

 But I couldn't really read it.

I snuggled into Cody.

"I'd rather take a nap." I said closing my eyes.

Cody laughed, " You just woke up." 

"What's your point?" I asked looking up at him. 

He kissed me, and I got energy.


He got up and I followed him. I was still in my clothes form yesterday. 

 "Hey Cody could you take me home? You know, to like get my stuff?" 

"Yeah sure."  

I followed him out and we got into his car and his diver took us to my house. I put on some new clothes and put all of my other clothes and stuff in my suit case. I packed up all my other stuff in whatever I could find. 

What can I say? I was moving. 

I got back in the car after putting all of my stuff in the trunk. Not like there was any furniture. 

"Hey Brittany?" Cody asked.


"How would you like to do a music video with me?" 


Wait, just one problem. Well I don't want to disappoint him, so i'll try. For some reason i'm just reallyhesitant to tell him. 

Ali knows, she sort of my best friend instead of Abby. 

I told her not to tell him though.

"Umm sure." I tried to keep my cool and not sound excited, so I let my other thing out that was brothering me. I wasn't telling him something. 

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked. I looked down but I could feel his eyes on me. 

I was saved my the diver opening the door. 

After all of my stuff was put orderly in Ali's room, ( thought she was moving into Cody's huh? WRONG!)  we decided to go to the studio to tell his manger.  

He said it was okay and all that. 

We back home. 

"Hey you want me to like show you some moves or something?" 

I gulped but not loud enough for him to hear.

"Sure." I said my voice hazy. 

He got up and offered me a hand, but I didn't take it. I couldn't handle it anymore. 

His smile turned upside down and he sat down putting an arm around me. 

"Whats wrong? Youv'e been acting weird lately." 


"Yes Angel?" 

I felt a tear go down my cheek. "I-I-I'm I'm.." I couldn't get out. 

"Your what?" 


I started silently crying. I could read my words right. I couldn't tell left form right. I was so different. 

Cody held me and kissed me on my head. 

"It's alright, It's nothing to be ashamed of." 

"Yes it is! You know the highest grades Iv'e ever gotten was a C? And I study like all the time!" 

"Clam down it's okay, I'll help you."

I nodded drying my tears. He got up and offered a hand. This time, I took it.


READ!!! Kay I know that was short, but i wanted that to end there. And I would describe more what it's like for her, but I don't really know because i'm not Dyslexic so yea...

Simpsonizer xox <3 :)

A Cody Simpson Love Story.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz