Chapter 40

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Recap: "Truth?" I breathed out. I knew there was something he wasn't telling me, but was he lying?

Cody sighed.

I looked form Cody to Ali. Back and forth. There were both silent, and then Bella burst through the door. 

"Cody, babe whats taking you so long?" 



"I'm not your 'babe' ." 

Well that was a relief... I think...

"So we were dating for nothing?" She said with no emotion.

"We weren't dating!" 

Ali gave me a sideways look and I gave her a What-is-going-on-and-why-didn't-you-tell-me-your-BFF look. She gave me a I'm-really-sorry-tell-you-later . 

I looked back to Cody and Bella. 

"Then what's this?" She lifted a picture of her and Cody kissing. 

I couldn't take it anymore..... my eyes started watering. I didn't want him to see me crying so I ran out. 

"Brittany?!?!?!" I heard Cody call. 

I ignored him and kept running. 

I ran all the way to Abby's house. Crying. I knocked on her door. 

"Brittany?" Abby said when she opened the door.

"C-cody c-chea-" I  couldn't get my self to say anymore. 

"HE DID WHAT!?!?!?!?!!?!? I'm gonna kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

I started crying even more. Abby came and gave me a side ways hug. We walked inside and sat on her couch. I cried into her shoulder. I cried for a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg time. 


Kay I know it was really short, but i don't know if i should make it to where Cody was cheating on her, or Bella was lying with a photo shopped picture........ Comment if u have any ideas!!!!

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