Chapter 29 Stalker.

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  • Dedicated to L O V E

Hey! sorry if it got a little confusing..... yeah... sorry. I think i fixed it, but im not sure. ANYWAY! hope u like it! <3 <3 <3 

I woke up the next day in my bed. Odd. I don't remember getting here. I shrugged and got up. I walked to the kicthen. 

"Good morning angel!" said Cody. 

"Good morning, Cody." I said sleepily. I was very tried still. 

"How are you?" He said walking in form the living room.  Wait a minute, What is he doing in my house?

"How did you get in my house?" 

"Never left."


"No uh!" 

"Yes you are a stalker!" 

" It's different if there in love with me!" 

"Well, Yeah but-" Another kiss cut off. 

"I love you." I said. 

"I love you more!" 

" I doubt that."

"You'll never know how much I love you." He said and kissed me again. 

I went over to the cabinet and grabbed the cereal and set it down on the table. I had school today, but it starts late today. :)  

I grabbed the milk and went back to the table. 

"Do you want some?" I asked.

"Your kidding me right?"

"Yes MR. Cereal." I garbed two bowls, taking that as a yes. 

When we finished and I was all ready for school, I walked out to the living room. Cody was laying on the couch watching TV. 

"Hey, reading to go?" he asked when he noticed I was in the room. 


"By the way, does my mom know you're here?" I asked as he opened the door for me.

"Yeah, she said I could stay." 

"When did she say that?" 

"When she left for work." 

"Oh, when did I fall asleep?" 

"Around midnight." 

"Oh gosh. How did I end up in my bed?" I asked even though I knew the answer. 

"Me." Yup. I sat down in his car. It was Cadillac Escalade, white. ( Pic on the side!) 

*At School.* 

I got out of the open door that Cody was holding open. He walked me to class. He kissed me good bye and said he'd see me at lunch. 

I watched him leave then I turned to my class. Math. 


"Heeyyy..." I said as I sat down next to Abby and Ali. 


"Were's lover boy?" Ali asked.

"I don't know. Should be here soon. He's bringing me left over pizza form last night." I said with a smile. 

"Lucky!" Abby yelled. 

"Hey now. I brought you cookies!" Ali said, and handed us cookies. 

"YAY!" Abby said. 

I looked up and I saw Steven coming my way with the guy that asked me out the other day. I got up and I went into the hall. I saw them following me. I pulled out my phone and called Cody. 


"Were are you?!?!" I said brusting into the bathrooms. 

"I'm almost there, are you okay?" 

"Brittany..." I heard steven call. 

"Hurry up please! And no." I said. 

"Wait, what?" He said with worry. 


"Ok I'm only a block away."

Just then Steven brusted through with Rick behind him.

"Hello." God no one else was in the bathrooms.

"Brittany?" Cody asked. 

"Leave me alone you freaks!" I screamed at them. They frowned instantally. 

"Brittany are you okay?!?" 

"No hurry!" I hung up. 

Problay a bad Idea. 

They started walking towards me. I ran in a stall and locked it. 

"Brittany we know your in there." 

"GO AWAY!" I climbed up on the toliet. I jumped into the next stall, and then I jumped over that and I ran outside. I heard them following me. 


I kept running. I saw Cody's car pulling up in the drive way.

"CODY!!!"  I screamed and ran towards the car. The diver stopped in a parking space and Cody got out. He ran towards me, but Steven and Rick were quicker. They caught me. Cody stoped in fornt of me. 

"Let her go!" Cody said. God I felt like I was in a cheesy romance/action movie. 

"Cody!" I yelled. 

"No." I heard Rick say.  I was squrimming, but they had a good grip. I bit Steve's hand and he let go. I ran into Cody's arms.  He grabbed my hand and we started running. They were following us. 

I ran inside of the cafetria, with Cody following. We found Ali and Abby.

"Guys, we gotta go." I said. 

Abby and Ali looked at each other, than back at us. 

"K," They got up and followed us running.

"Brittany!" I heard Steve call. I looked back and I triped and fell. 


He looked back at me. I tried to stand, but I think I borke my foot. It hurt a lot. I started crying. 

"Are you okay?" He said bending down.

"I think I broke my foot." 

"I'll carry you." He said. Before I had the chance to reply, he picked me up and we were running to his car. Steve wasn't far behind. 

He set me in the car and Kissed me on the cheek. 

"I love you." he whispered. 

"I love you too."

He closed the door. I was crying. He didn't get in on the other side. I looked out the window. He was walking towards Steve. 

"What happened to you?" Abby asked. 

"I broke my foot. I need to get to a hospital."


Hey! Well I'm gonna upload more tomarrow! VCF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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