Chapter 25

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After the concert, he came to the side of the stage and got some water. And then he kissed me, of course. 

"You were amazing!" I said between kisses.

"Well thank you," he said with a smirk. 

"Your welcome." 

After that we went home. 

"OMG!!!!!" Abby said. She was going to spend the night, It was friday. "that was awesome!"

"I know it was, It was my Cody's idea,"  'My Cody's' I liked the sound of that. 

She giggled. We put in a movie, and I think I feel asleep on her. 

I woke up the next morning to see Abby on the floor and me laying on my bed. I heard my mom making pancakes. YUM! I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom,"

"Good morning. Did you have fun last night?" 

"Yeah..." I said thourgh a sigh while sitting down. 

She looked at me, with that look that says you-seem-way-to-happy. 

"Good morning persons!" I turned to see Abby. "Do I smell pancakes?"

"Yup!" I said. 

After we ate, Abby went home. I carshed on to my bed. 

Last night was epic. 

"Girl, I wanna give you a round of applause..." 

I heard my phone ring, Cody. 

"Hey." I said. 

"Hey, Do you wanna go do something? I don't leave untill tonight."


"Great see you at 11?" 

"Yeah see you then. Bye.


I hung up. I went through my colthes. I found the perfect one.

A dress with folwers on it.


I was just finishing putting my hair up, when someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it!" I said so mom wouldn't do any thing embarssing.

"Hey Cody!" I said hugging him.

 "Hey. You look amazing, as usaul."

I blushed a little. "Well thank you," I said then smiled. 

I grabbed his hand and we walked out to his car. 

"Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?" 

"Ummm.........Lodi Lake? There's still lots of it you haven't seen."

"Whatever you want," He said and kissed me on the fore-head. 

*At Lodi Lake*

"Come on lets go this way," I said draging him by his wrist and pulling him towards what we called 'the doggie side' . 

We walked down the paved road. We went down to the cement path a sat on the bench. 

"Lodi, Lake is huge." 

"It's not as big as you think."  I said looking up at him. We contuied to walk down the path, up the hill. I decied to take the little dirt path to the spot where it goes on to the river. There was lots of sharp branches and stuff. No one really maintains that part becuase not really spoust to be back there. 

We finally got to the part where it comes to the edge of the river. 

"It's so quiet out here." Cody said shocked.

"Yeah that's kind of the point."  Then Cody seemed to notice that there was a small path that countied down the river. I could tell what he was thinking.

"Cody I don't think we should, Iv'e never been back there."

"Aw come on. How bad can it be?"

"Cody, I really think that we shouldn't. It goes up behind the cemtery and-" But before I could finish, he had picked me up and we were heading down the path. We countied down there. I have never, ever, been back here. Out of the nine years iv'e been exploring this place with my dad, I have not  been back here.

"Cody, put me down!"

He just kept walking. Like he couldn't here me. 

"CODY!" I was shouting. 

He just kept walking.  I punched him in his fore-arm. I sharp pain went up form my knucles.


I heard him softly chuckle. 

"CODY! This isn't funny, put me down. " We were almost to the houses were the boats are. I Have never been back there, but ive seen it form the road. 

"Cody! People live here. You cant just walk through there backyards!" 

"Fine." He said and set me down.  

I started to walk back. I looked to see if Cody was following me, and shockling he was. 

We were back on the top of the hill. I followed the dirt path. I looked out to where the gaint felid was were we used to let Lily run around. But its all under construicon. Their bulding a water tremeant plant or something. The chopped down a hole bunch of trees too. It's sad.

"See where there doing  construcicon?" I pointed to the gaint tractor. " It used to me a huge felid. We used to let Lily run around. There was a lot of big oak trees and stuff out there. But it's all gone."

He pulled me into his arms while still walking, seeing that I was hurt by it.

 *At Home*

*On the porch*

"I had fun," He said.

"Me too, well I guess this is good-bye, being that your going to couinte tour-" I was cut of yet again by a kiss. I loved it when he did that.

"It's not goody-bye, it's just see you a lot later. We already talked about this. It's NOT good-bye."

I looked down, he titled my head up. My eyes were watery. I didn't want him to go. 

"Don't cry." He said. Well now I have Don't Cry Your Heart out playing softly in my head. Thank you very much Mista Simpson.

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you more, More than you'll ever, EVER know."

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