Chapter 26. Forgetting him?

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  • Dedicated to Cheese

I was laying on my bed. Wishing that I could play it again. I was going over it in my head. I would stop, just before the part where I watched him walking away form my window. It was to much for me to remember that part. I heard my phone ring. Abby.


"Hi! Whats up?" 

"Not much just got back from an AMAZING date with Cody, you?"

"OMG! Tell me! Tell me! TELL ME!!!" 

"Okay,Okay," I said and I told her everything. 


"Yea...." Then I realized I was crying. 

"Are you crying?" 

"No." But my voice cracked.

"I'm comming over there, you need some girl time."

I nodded, then remembering that it was a phone.

"K, see you in a bit." I said through tears. 

I was crying on my bed with my face dug into my pillow, when Abby came bursting through. 

I looked up, "Hey," 

"So what do you want to do?" she asked sitting on my bed.

"Hug Cody."

"We are having girl time, to forget about him." 

"But I don't want to forget about him!" 

"Come on were going to the mall. But first, we gotta fix your hair!" 

I giggled softly.  She combed my hair and put it in a sloppy ponytail. I changed into a blue t-shirt with a green flower on it, and jeans. Cody's favorite colors. NO! You are to forget about him! 

*At The Mall* 

We went straight into Icing. I got a scarf with purple smiley faces on it and a red rose clip. Then we went to sears. I got about 3 outfits, and if Abby didn't come there, I think they would be out ofbusiness. She got about one of everything in that store. 

We walked back out and went over to the photo both. We took a hole bunch of silly pictures. We walked out of the mall, and got into Abby's big sister's car that showed up on perfect timing. 

*at home* 

Abby was painting her nails and I was doing her hair. She was going to spend the night agian. That's two nights in a row. It's been five, and then mom got kind of sick of it. 

We had a giant slumber party, but with just the two of us. We had a fashion show, and we tookpictures of us looking our craziest. (Is that a word?) Then we watched a hole bunch of movies in the living room. We watched Breaking Dawn, ( I haven't actually seen it) Space Buddies, The Last Song, and all the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies. It was about 5am when we finished. We started the movie-thon at about 7.... 

We went to sleep. We woke up at about 11am. Mom took us to IHop. 

*At IHop*

We walked into IHop. A lady with green eyes and blond hair seated us. We looked at the menus in slience. 

The lady came over to take our oder.

"Um me and her are going to have the French Toast with wipcream and Hot Chocolate." Said Abby. My mom odered Chocolate Chip pancakes and coffe. 

"Soooo......." Said my mother. "Did you girls have fun last night?" 


"Yup Yup!" I said. 

She smiled. "So I was thinking, maybe we could go back to Lodi Lake today. We havent been there in a while." 


Suddenly, all the memories started flowing back. I struggled through them.

"Sure sounds great." 

Abby eyed me. 

"I'll be fine." I said re-a-sureingly. 

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