Chapter 31 Will he live?

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I looked up in to his daring eyes. 

"What's wrong? You look scared babe." 

"One, don't call me that. Two, you just broke into my house an shot my boyfriend, and I have a broken foot!" 

"Well you don't need to worry about him, it's all about us now." He said kissing me. I pushed him off and ran towards my mothers room. I locked the door behind me.  

"Mom wake up!" I yelled quietly.  I ran over to her. I shook her. Nothing. Is she dead? Nope breathing. Passed out? Maybe.

I opened the window. I heard sirens. Good.  I busted through the door, hoping that he wouldn't be there. And he was. He looked at me and said: 

"Good luck." And then he shot me in the leg. I feel down. I screamed, my mother still didn't wake up. She had to be passed out. 

After about five minutes of screaming in pain, I passed out. 

*Two Days Later*

I woke up in a white room. I have done this too many times. My leg hurt form my knee down. I looked at it. It had stitches all down the side. Why? It was only one hole. Abby was sitting in the chair next to me watching TV. She turned to me. 

"Oh hey your a wake!" she said. 

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About two days." Wow. 

"Wheres Cody?" uhh.... In a coma....." She said looking down. 

"WHAT?!?!?!" The nurse must have heard me because she came rushing in. 

"Take me to Cody now!" I demanded.

"He's in a coma!" Abby yelled. I crossed my arms and pouted.  

They did some blood test and stuff and gave me some pain medicine,  then I was good to go. But I had to come back in a month and get my stitches out. 

"Wheres my mom?" I asked Abby as we walked out. 

"In here." She said pointing to a room on our right. I walked in. She was laying on the bed and her heart rate beeping slowly. The nurse was in there.

"Who are you?"

"Her daughter. How is she?" I asked worried.  

"Not good. Were not sure if she'll live." 

"What happened to her?" 

"She got shot a few times in the chest and one to the head." 

"Did they catch the guy?" 

"No one was there when they arrvied, just three knocked out people." 

"The boy that was in the living room, where is he?" 

"Do you know him?"

"He's my boyfriend." It felt good to say that.

"Right next door."  I walked out with Abby and into his room. He looked cute when he was sleeping. 

I sat down next to him. This shouldn't have happened. Some how I feel like it's my fault.  I took a set next to him. I grabbed his hand. He felt so life less. I started crying. Abby came next to me and held me. 

"Come on lets go to the mall. That always makes you feel better." She said looking down a me.

"I want to stay here with Cody!" 

"We can for a little, but you need to get your mind off things." I looked at Cody. I could get my mind off things.

A few minutes later, Abby FORCED me to leave. I got up and followed her out. Things were happening in slow motion. I looked back at Cody. He was so peaceful. Then I walked make out. Knowing that both of my closet people might not live.

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