Chapter 33 Realization

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I woke up in my bed next to Cody. What was he doing here? Not that I minded. Today was Saturday. That meant pancakes. I walked into the kicthen expecting to see my mom, but then I remembered. She\'s dead. I felt a tear go down my face as I continued walking. I turned and walked back to my room. I sat on my bed and opened my net book. I was still wearing my clothes form yesterday, but I didn\'t care. I opened face book, that\'s a shock. Usually its just wattpad and Twitter. 

I updated saying that I miss my mom and her pancakes. Then I went to Twitter. I followed back all my followers and tweeted about my mom. I missed her a lot. 

I heard Cody waking up, but ignored him. I looked at the trends. RIP Lucy was trending. at the top. (that\\\'s her moms name. ) A tear rolled down my check. I closed it and set it aside. Cody sat up.

\"Good morning Angel.\" He said and kissed me on my check, right where my tear was. 

\"Cody?\" I said, my voice was wobbly. 


\"RIP Lucy is trending.\" I said as another tear rolled down my other check.

\"Oh,\" He said as his smile turned into a frown. 

\"I miss her.\" I said looking down. 

\"Iv\'e got a sup rise for you!\" 


\"Ricks in jail!\" 

\"How did you find that out, you got released form the hospital last night!\" 

\"Well, I got a text form Abby last night after you feel asleep.\" 

\"Oh.\" I was kind of disappointed that she tell him first. 

\"He got charged with second degree murder.\" He said getting up.  

\"Does your mom know where you are?\" I said wanting to change the subject. He shrugged and walked out. I followed him. We were both in our clothes form yesterday.  

\"You want to go get something to eat?\" He asked.

\"Yeah sure.\" 

\"Kay great.\" I said and walked back down to my room. I took a small shower and got dressed in a gray tank and a white shirt over, and skinny jeans. I put my hair of in a side braid. I went to go apply make-up. Light so Mr. Wanna-be-Bruno-Mars  wouldn\'t notice. I put on lip-gloss and mascara. 

I walked back into the kitchen and Cody wasn\\\'t there. I found a note saying he went home and would be back in half and hour. 

I sat on the couch. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. It was only eight-thrity. 

I turned on the TV and whatched My Wife And Kids. Around nine, Cody came through the fornt door. He really needs to learn to knock. I turned it off and got up. I walked over to Cody. 

\"Ready?\" He asked.

\"Yup.\" He was wearing a light blue shirt and dark skinny jeans. 

He smiled and we walked out. His diver took us to a IHop . He came and opened my door before I had the chance. I got out. He put his hand around my waist.  We walked inside. A lady with purple eyes and brown hair with blue streaks seated us at a booth.  She handed us our menu\\\'s. I opened mine. I had a big craving for waffles. 

The waiter came and we ordered. I ordered Waffles with chocolate chips and hot chocolate. Cody, being his Copy Cat self, ordered the same thing. 

\"Copy Cat!\" I said when the waiter left. 

\"What? I can\'t enjoy the same thing as my girlfriend?\" He said putting his arm around me. 

I blushed. I looked down trying to hide it. He titled my head up. 

\"Don\'t hide when your blushing, I think it\'s cute.\" 

Well THAT made me blush even HARDER! I tried to look down my he was holding my head up and staring at me with that smile. We were like that for a few minutes. Then he slowly started leaning in and he kissed me on the cheek. I looked down, he had moved his hand. The waiter came with our food. 

After we ate, his diver took us home. I walked through my front door and bent down to pet the dog. She was always seeming to look for mom. It made me sad. Cody came next to me and petted her too. I looked at him. He was so happy. I might look happy on the outside. But on the inside, I would be forever sad. I was in morning. Cody turned to me, when he noticed I stopped petting Lily. He treated her like his own dog. 

\"What\'s wrong?\" He asked with a worried look. His smile turnned into a frown. 

\"Both my parents are dead.\" I sighed out. I still couldn\'t believe it. It was like realization just hit me. Like I was waking up form a dream or something. Tears formed in my eyes.

\"I\'m so sorry,\" He said and gave me a hug. I started crying silently into his shoulder. 


Kay I know that this chapter stinks, but yea..... VCCCCCCCCCF!

A Cody Simpson Love Story.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن