13. The Answer

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When I woke up this morning, I felt like today was going to be a good day.  That when I walk outside, I was actually going to like the smell of nature.

Turns out I was wrong.

When I walked outside this morning, I was met with dark clouds and wind that almost made me trip on my own two feet.

What's worse is that when I walked to my locker that morning, I only saw Rick. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Rick. He's my best friend but he had a frown on his face and his sister wasn't there.

When I reached them, I sighed, "Rick, where is she?"

"She wouldn't get up this morning," He ran a hand through his hair. "Her bedroom door was locked and every time I knocked, there was no response. But I just knew that she was awake," He stated.

Furrowing my brow I asked, "How would you know if she was awake?"

"Its this twin thing. You see, I always know what she's thinking. Only because we're together all the time," He answered. I felt a small smile creep up on my face. They must've been adorable when they were younger.

"So how's you and your girlfriend?" asked Rickybear. My smile was even wider. "We're doing really good. I should probably go–"

"Are you a lesbian?" He interrupted which definitely caught me off guard. He was not only asking...

I was actually kind of wondering myself.

Oh God, I have to admit, I'm so attracted to Heidi. But I've never actually thought about what that makes me.

"Oh man, I was too forward wasn't I? I should've just waited like when Reese came out," He said to himself.

Wait a sec...

Reese! She could help me.

"Oh my God! Rick, you're a freaking genius!" I cheered and gave him a quick hug. I shut my locker and ran.

"Wait! Where are you going? You're skipping school?" He yelled across the hallway which was pretty dumb considering there could've been teachers around. "Its okay. I'll make it up tomorrow!" I yelled back before running out the school doors.

Reese could be the key to this.

Obviously she knows about coming out and sexuality and shit so why not ask her?

I know I should've probably went through the whole day and then go to her house right away but then I would've been extremely anxious the whole day.

I hopped into my car and rushed out of the parking lot. 

When I parked in front of the Ellington Residence, I exited the vehicle and ran towards the door.

Unfortunately, it was locked.

"Shit!" I muttered as I looked around for something.

My eyes widened when I found a big tree that was supposedly next to Reese's window. This was the only way.

I started climbing the tree and when I finally reached the top, that's when my heart starting picking up its pace. There my parents were, in the yard gardening. The tree was right next to them and one loud noise could make their heads snap and look up.

While taking a deep breath, I took one more quiet step towards the window that was thankfully open.

This was it. Jump or die.

When I jumped, I closed my eyes. Waiting for myself to fall.

Until I realized that I was hanging on to the edge of her window. I squealed but stopped myself, realizing that my parents would hear.

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