15. The Replica

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"Nova! Heidi's here!" Venus called out.
"Coming!" I shouted back. I examined myself in the mirror one last time.

I was suppose to be a prisoner. But a sexy one. Instead of the baggy orange jumpsuits you were suppose to wear, the jumpsuit I was wearing was hugging my body and showing my curves.

I looked hot!

I slipped into my black flats and walked downstairs.

When I walked into the living room that lead to the front door, there stood my parents, Venus and Heidi who might I add, looked ridiculously sexy.

She wore a police outfit that was also hugging her body and black 3 inch heels. Her hair was in a pony tail and she even wore the police hat.

"Oh my goodness, Adam! Look they match. I always knew they would reunite as best friends again," Mom cheered. Oh boy, if she only knew.

"We have to get going. We'll be back before 1." I said. They nodded and waved.

When we were outside on my front porch, she grabbed my hands. "What are you doing?" I asked, furrowing my brow. She then took out handcuffs and locked me in them. I gasped then looked up at her as if she was crazy.

"Lets go, prisoner." She smirked and yanked the cuffs which caused me to shriek.

What have I gotten myself into?

We were suppose to go trick or treating but Sun, Reese's new toy and my copy cat decided to throw a costume party and Heidi and I were invited.

At least Rick and Heidi were going to be there.

When we arrived, it was huge. How did she get so many people to come? She just moved here like a week ago and she's already making new friends.

While I only have 4 friends. One being my sister. The other one being my girlfriend and one is avoiding me.

So really I only have one friend.

Why am I comparing myself to this girl anyways?

"Nova, over here!" When I heard my name, I looked towards the direction where the voice was coming from and there I saw Rick who was dressed up as Batman.

"Well aren't you looking dashing?" I said while giggling like a little girl. He smirked at me. "You too. May I say, you guys probably have the best costume here," He complimented.

"I wouldn't be too sure on that."

I turn around to see Reese and Sun. Sun was wearing a white tank top, red and white plaid skirt and red flats. She then had a red cape that covered her body, including her head. She was also carrying a picnic basket. I looked over at Reese who was wearing a wolf costume with whiskers. She looked so adorable with the whiskers. I wanted to kiss her all over the place.

Woah there!

I'm going to pretend that I wasn't thinking about that.

"Wow, Sun, you look good!" Rick complimented.

"Thanks, Rickypoo." I snapped my head up. I'm sorry, I don't know if I heard her correctly.


Okay, no. I can only call Rick silly names. Not that copy cat bitch!

"Eh, you look okay." I let the words slip out of my mouth. Heidi's eyes went straight to me.

"Aw, Nova. Its okay to be jealous." Sunny sneered. I scoffed at this bitch. Oh really, well game fucking on!

"Trust me, I'm no where near jealous. I love my costume and I most definitely love my police officer." I wrapped my arms around Heidi's shoulder and kissed her neck.

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