25. The Acceptance

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"In the night she hears him calling. In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain."

"In the night when she comes crawling, dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face. But she'll never walk away."

"I don't think you understand."

I stepped away from the piano and looked at the judge who was going to decide whether or not I was going to performing in this stupid talent show.

Why was I here again?

"That was marvelous! I never knew you had a voice Ms. Barnes," Mr. A, my 10th grade Theatre teacher complimented. 

Smiling, I replied. "Thank you. I'm usually not the one to sing in front of people but I guess I wanted to give it a try." 

He put  a hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you did. I am very proud of-"

Mr. A was interrupted when the doors of the auditorium flew open and there came the two dingoes that I call my best friend and my sister. 

"Nova! You have to see-Oh hello Mr. A," Mr. A waved and then Rick looked back at me. "Anyways, here!" He shoved the envelope onto the palm of my and Venus and him stood there, bouncing on their toes. I take a look at who this is from. 

Stanford University. 

My heart started to race, pounding fiercely within my chest. Anxiety swept through my body and basically destroyed my confidence. My future was in this one envelope. It was now or never.

I opened the envelope and took the letter out with my trembling hands. I glance at Rick and Venus who were practically rushing me to open it only with their eyes. Exhaling a big ball of air, I open the note and skimmed through the words.

'Further to that, you have been accepted into Stanford's Music Program. With heartiest congratulations, we welcome you to Stanford University.'

I stood there breathless. I let the note slip out of my fingers while my hand made it's way towards my mouth, covering it completely but that wasn't for long. 

"I got in! I'm going to Stanford!" I shrieked which had Rick and Venus jumping with me. I pulled the both of them into a tight hug while Mr. A proudly watched us. 

"Oh my god. You're crying, Nov," Rick gasped and that caused more tears to spill down my rosy cheeks. "I don't even care. I'm a college student!" 

"I'm proud of you sis. I knew you could do it," Venus stated while pulling me into her embrace. I gripped on her shirt and cried a bit more. Everything might've been bad for me but this might have been the only good news I've had all week. 


"So to celebrate you getting into the university of your dreams, does this call for Monday movie night?" Rick questioned while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Perhaps this time, we could build a fort and talk about everything that's going to happen in Uni!" 

Stopping Rick and I, I looked up at him and frowned. I was so happy to get in but I didn't want to celebrate nor did I want to do movie night. I was still bummed and I needed the space this week. I replied, "That sounds great but I think I'm going to skip it. I have some things to do at school today." 

An eyebrow quirked, " What exactly will you being doing after school?" I mentally groaned. He always tried interrogating me just to see if I was lying. It was hard to lie to Rick sometimes because when he was suspicious, he will do anything to get the truth out of you. 

"Go to the recording studio and try out my voice and such," I lied and he seemed to buy it since a smile appeared on his face. "Okay, have fun!" 

When Rick disappeared from the school parking lot, I made my way into the school and found myself walking towards the soccer field. Why? I have no idea but I just kept going where my body wanted me to go to. When I arrived, I was just about to head to the bleachers until I saw a figure sitting in the middle of the soccer field. Squinting my eyes, I notice the shaved head and dark clothing. 

Reese Ellington.

Instead of heading to the bleachers, I went under them and pressed my back into the fence. I dropped all my bags and watched Reese. She was playing with the cast that was on her arm while looking around. It was as if this was the place that tamed her from going insane. The soccer field was her medication. 

Reese stood up from the leafy colored grass and started walking closer to the corner of the field and I got a better view of her. Examining her outfit, I saw that she wore a long T-shirt dress, black high knee socks, old, worn out black high top converse, a beanie that had the word DESTROY  on it and to top it all off, a necklace was around her neck and it looked beautiful.

 Examining her outfit, I saw that she wore a long T-shirt dress, black high knee socks, old, worn out black high top converse, a beanie that had the word DESTROY  on it and to top it all off, a necklace was around her neck and it looked beautiful

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Her brown hair was swept to the side which made her look really nice. I liked watching her sometimes. Just her looking good and staring at her as she was in deep thought about whatever. I could tell when she was in deep thought; she would start playing around with things surrounding her or maybe she'd spin herself around and her laugh would flow through my ears and into my head like a song you couldn't get over. Her eyes glistened into the sunlight which made her look 10 times more beautiful. 

I found Reese Ellington beautiful inside and out even if she did get a teacher fired. 

A voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"I'll let you set the pace, cause I'm not thinking straight," Reese sung. "My head's spinning around, I can't see clear anymore."

"What are you waiting for?"

Her crystalline voice made my heart beat at rapid speed, my palms became sweaty and my stomach felt funny. Her voice sounded so soft but bold and I could feel the goosebumps on my skin. She stopped singing and then walked towards the other part of the field where she disappeared from my sight. 

I exhaled and finally breathed and that was something I seemed to not be doing while Reese was near. I tilted my head back and let my eyelids shut and surround myself with darkness. This whole trip was a mistake to me at first but now that I've heard her voice again, it doesn't seem like a mistake anymore. In fact, I'm glad that I came here because during this whole time, I had not once thought about Heidi and how we both hurt each other. I finally had a smile on my face for the first time in almost two weeks. 

And that was all by looking at Reese Ellington. 


Hello mates!

Another chapter updated this week. cx I'm kinda just doing this so I could finish this story a lot faster because school ends in 9 days and I want to finish this by the beginning of summer so I could focus on some new stories AKA the prequel and spin off of this story. 

Video on top is Sarah Close. If you don't know, Nova's voice is portrayed by Sarah's voice. 

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: What do you think is going to happen with Nova and Reese? 

Btw, idk what ship name to choose for those two. ROVA or NEESE? Or maybe Barnington? (their last names) idfkk! for now I'm going to go with Neese. so yeah. :P


Bye mates!

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