Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Okay before you all freak out on me I am soooo sorry that chapter 2 uploaded twice....I think it did anyway.

I don't even know anymore. I'm new to this and I'm getting super stressed out and confused.

But anyway....without making you guys wait any longer, here's chapter 3. (:  


Here I was, sitting in a chair in my boss's office. He had almost a look of sympathy deep inside his eyes.... 

Almost. Not quite, but almost. That was a good sign, right?

"Miss Young, you've never been a huge trouble maker around the place, and I'm thankful for that. You are a wonderful employee, and I understand that everyone slips up now and again." He started talking to me and he actually sounded kind of sorry... But he started to talk again. That's when I knew I'd have some kind of extra job or pay quirk or something that I'd have to put up with.  

Oh well.

I deserved it.

"Since you're a first offender, I'm going to be easy on you. I am going to leave now, and you will stay back and make this place sparkle. That sound like a deal?" He asked me, as if I was dying to say yes.  

"Yes, sir. That seems fair."

Mr O'Brian slowly stood up and walked out.  

I knew this would take me all night.  


*1 hour later*

I was just sitting there, cleaning out the blenders when I heard a ton of screaming girls outside the employee only door in the back of the shop.  

I waked towards the door and was just about to open it, but before I could, the door flew open and I saw a blur of blonde hair rush in and close the door as I fell to the ground.  

I laid there groaning in pain and holding my head where the door had hit me.  

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I heard a thick Irish accent say to me. It was the blonde. I hadn't gotten a good look at his face until then, and my god, he was very attractive.  

The boy helped me up and noticed my staring.  

"Umm...is something wrong?" He asked me, with that sweet Irish voice of his.  

"No...you just look really familiar." I knew I had seen this person before, but I couldn't figure out where from. Then, it hit me! "Hey, aren't you Nialllfdhks Hosjdbfkdann?" My voice was muffled by who I assumed was indeed Niall Horan's hand.  

"Please! Don't scream!" He kind of whisper yelled to me.  

"Rifbjfaxx Ixbk Wjfdjgbnttttt!" Was all I could manage. He then released his hand and I repeated, "Relax, I won't."  

"So you're not some crazy screaming fangirl?" He asked me.  

"No, of course not. I'm just an employee who got caught on her phone and is now being forced to clean the whole shop!"  

Niall laughed at this, and I realized what an amazing laugh he had.

When he laughed, you could see something in his big, blue eyes. It was like they were laughing too.

"So what're you gonna do, with all those crazies outside?" I asked him, genuinely curious.

"Wellll....I was hoping I could maybe help you out?" His answer almost seemed like a question, and I of course said yes.

I could defiantly use some help.

The fact that Niall Horan was about to help with my punishment amazed me, and I wondered why he was so sweet to someone he only just met. Hmm...

*Niall's POV*

When I walked in the door and saw that I hit that beautiful girl, I felt so awful! Her eyes were a greyish purple color and they were so beautiful.. Everything about the girl was just gorgeous.  

I used helping her out as an excuse, but in all honesty, I just really wanted to get to know her.

Pretty sneaky, huh?

I couldn't wait to know this seemingly perfect girl.


Again, I am super duper sorry about the whole two chapter 2's thing... ):

But how'd you like Niall's grand entrance?!

What do you think he'll find out about Carrie? Will he be able to find out about her fathers abuse in the past?

So many questions, and so few answers. (;

Tune in soon for chapter 4! (:

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Thanks for reading, my lovelies(:

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