Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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I’m so sorry for the long wait! I’ve been really busy lately. My best friend Emma dislocated and broke her shoulder, and the doctors missed it when she first went to the ER. She walked around for two days while her shoulder ball was completely disconnected from her bone. When they caught it, she had to have surgery the next day. After surgery, they gave her a shot that numbed her arm and she went home. But the shot wore off way quicker than the doctors guessed it would and she ended up back in the ER for the fourth time under a great deal of pain. Today, we think she has a stomach virus. She’s dehydrated and back in the ER. I would so appreciate it if you kept her in ya’ll’s thoughts. Thank you so much! Here’s the next chapter.

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Chapter 30

*Niall’s POV*

“NO!” I screamed as I watched the gun fall to the ground as Carrie released her grip. Blood began to ooze from her lower stomach as I took her into my arms. The boys’ faces were drained of all color and I could hear Carrie’s father making his way up the latter. He stared at the limp and bleeding Carrie who I held bridal style in my arms. When he reached the attic, a smile spread across his face. I looked at him in disgust, gently passing Carrie off to a crying Harry. I strutted up to the cruel man, and I looked him dead in the eye, my nose near touching his.

“I hope this is what you wanted, because you will pay.” I quickly walked over to Liam and whispered something in his ear.

“Liam, I’m about to do something crazy. Don’t bother asking what it is, because you’ll know it when you see it.” I didn’t remember when I had started crying, but I had, and I still was. “Just know that when I do it, you need to pull your phone out and call the police. I’ll do what I have to do until they get here.”

Liam started to object, but I cut him off.

“Please, Liam.” I looked over at Harry, Zayn, and Louis feeling Carrie’s neck and wrists for her pulse. It was still there, but slow. “Please. I have to do this, for her. When you call tell them we need an ambulance too.” I smiled, still crying, and Liam hugged me so tight. I could feel him tense up as he broke down and began to cry like the rest of us.

“Thank you.” I breathed.

“Yeah, just be careful, Ni.” Liam choked out through sobs as I looked back and saw Carrie’s father still standing there, taking in the scene. “When she makes it through this she’s gonna want to be with you.”

I smiled at the thought and remembered what I had to do. I smiled at Liam, and then at the boys. After that, I turned around and faced Mr. Young.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” I said, through gritted teeth, as I punched the man clear in the nose.

He fell to the ground, me taking the chance while I had it. I stumbled on top of him, and he quickly reversed the roles and turned over on me, hitting me hard in the face. He didn’t stop there, though, he kept hitting and punching, and I could feel the blood ooze out of my nose and lips and I could taste the iron. He kept hitting me, and I screamed as loud as I could, while strong hands and fists beat me, “NOW, Liam, you have to do it NOW!”

I could see Liam dialing a number on his phone and I knew exactly who it had to be. I glanced over at the boys, who held Carrie. They looked at me. Their eyes sympathized me, yet at the same time, congratulated me for being brave. I smiled, looking at Carrie’s chest moving up and down as she breathed. She was actually breathing. She was alive, and she was going to be okay. For myself, I couldn’t say the same thing, though. Carrie’s father hadn’t eased up on his strong punches, but was in fact getting harder. I could feel myself getting dizzy as the room began to spin. I soon felt a small dose of relief when he stopped hitting me and whipped his head to the entrance of the attic. He immediately jumped off of me and backed up, I letting my head turn to see what was happening. Big policeman boots stomped their way into the room and took Carrie’s father out. I smiled as the shoes of paramedics walked in, towards me. I could barely open my mouth to speak, but I managed.

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