Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Sorry for the wait you guys, but like I said earlier. I'll be posting longer chapters to hold you guys off until the weekends.

So you guys know, this chapter is going to be mainly if not all in Carrie's point of view. Buttttt there's gonna be plenty of the boys and something really crazy is gonna happen!

Here's chapter 21!! (:


Chapter 21

*Carrie's POV*

"Hey, Carrie! Wake up!" The boys called out to me.

I rolled over and saw the clock. It read 8:30 am. Even though it was early, I shot straight up and smiled.

Today was the day I got my Niall back.

By the time the 5 of us had all showered and gotten into our clothes, it was about 9:35.

We were packing up our things when there was a knock on the door as an oriental woman said "Room service!"

The boys looked at me puzzled, and I looked at them the same way. Zayn walked towards the door and pulled it open saying "Umm...we didn't order any food."

The woman smiled and replied "Yes, I know. It was ordered by another guest, for you."

Liam nodded and wheeled the food-filled cart into the room. All the boys dug in and grabbed what seemed to be all of their favorite breakfast foods.

"Umm...are you guys not the slightest bit concerned at this?!" I shouted at the boys.

"Nope." Harry and Louis said in sync.

"Not at all." Liam spoke calmly, stuffing his face with food.

I looked confused at Zayn and he laughed a bit before saying "Carrie, not to brag, but we're One Direction. This kind of thing is normal, I promise. It's okay."

I nodded and cautiously searched the food.

To my surprise, there was a metal tray with a metal lid sitting in the dead center of the cart. On it was a paper that read "Cheese Grits," which where my favorite. I shrugged it off and picked up the tray, walking towards a table.

I sat down and briskly swished the lid off of the tray, revealing another piece of paper. This time, the message wasn't as friendly, though.

In big, bold letters, it said "FIND US IF YOU CAN."

I let out a silent gasp, and looked over my shoulder at the boys.

They were laughing and joking with each other, and seemed so happy. I couldn't tell them that someone was sending me creepy notes right before they got their band mate back.

I quietly folded the paper and slid it into my back pocket.

I couldn't eat, due to my nerves, so I waited for the boys to be done, casually scraping my grits into the trash can beside me.

Eventually, the 4 guys had finished their food and we left the hotel room and headed for the lobby.

I starred in every direction, taking in the details of every person I saw.

A man with brown eyes and short grey hair, on top of a stalky figure.

A woman with green eyes and long, curly, black hair and a slim body.

A boy with bright blue eyes and white blond hair who trailed closely behind his mother.

When we finally reached the front desk, panicked looks spread across all of our faces as the woman behind the desk asked for the money.

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