Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Chapter 31

*Author’s POV*

Niall was released from the hospital the following day, and the boys moved Carrie from the hospital in America to one back home in London. The boys didn’t leave very often.  Carrie remained unconscious, and the band never left her side. Niall spent every night in Carrie’s bed, speaking to her and telling her how much he missed and loved her. Every day, the boys would work in shifts, one of them going home to shower at a time while the rest stayed with Carrie, so she wouldn’t be alone. Months went by like this, and the boys were beginning to lose hope.

*3 Months Later*

*Niall’s POV*

I jumped out of the shower, hurrying to get dried off and dressed. I towel dried my hair and quickly brushed it, running out of the bathroom and putting on my shoes. I swiftly moved through the kitchen, grabbing a box of energy bars off of the counter for me and the boys. I ran out the door and to my car, opening the driver’s seat door and jumping in. I cranked the key into the ignition and realized I had forgotten to do something. I jumped back out of the car and ran back inside and into the living room. I looked at the right wall and grabbed a marker off of a table nearby. I walked to the wall, breathing deeply, and crossed off another day on the calendar. We started marking days so we could keep track of how many days Carrie had been in the hospital. The slash I placed onto the calendar today marked three months. I sighed, and placed the marker back on the table, running back outside and into my car. I began backing out of the driveway, and once I reached the street, I turned on the radio. My iPod was plugged into the stereo, and had a playlist with only one song that I had been listening to since I got out of the hospital. I cranked up the volume and the lyrics were sung so beautifully, saying “bring me the night, send out the stars, cause when I’m dreaming we don’t seem so far.” I drove for about ten minutes listening to the song over and over again until I reached the hospital. When I finally found a parking spot in the busy lot, I got out of the car and walked through the sliding glass doors that separated the outside from the main lobby of the hospital. I walked up to the front desk, signing in and flashing a smile at the women sitting behind the counter. They all knew the band and me by name. I walked over to the elevator, holding the door for a young man pushing a younger woman in a wheelchair. They were both smiling. I pressed the button for level 5 as the man pressed the one for level 2. The woman looked up at me and spoke.

“You seem nervous. Is your baby okay?” That’s when I realized the lady had just had a child. I thought about her question, and decided I wouldn’t correct her on the mistake of thinking I was a father. I simply smiled a half and fake smile and responded.

“No. No she isn’t.”

The woman frowned and reached for my hand.

“She will be. I can feel it.”

I smiled half-heartedly and waved goodbye as we arrived at level two. I was soon left alone as the couple exited onto their floor. I continued the ride on the elevator until I reached the fifth floor and exited myself. I looked to the right, and saw the nurse’s station, then to the left. There was nothing but rooms, emptied with opened doors. This was the comatose level, and Carrie was the only patient. I walked past nine rooms on each side until I finally met Carrie’s. I shuffled in, taking in the depressing scene. Straight ahead of me sat a small love seat sofa, and on the sofa were Louis and Harry. Harry had his legs bent and tucked up close to him, his chin resting on his bony knees.  Louis was sitting cross legged, his head leaning on Harry’s shoulder. His face was red and streaked with salt water tears. To the right of the sofa was a chair, occupied by Zayn. He had his right ankle propped on his left knee, and his head was in his hands. To the left of the love seat, Liam was sitting with his back against a wall and legs bent out in front of him. He had his arms stretched out, elbows resting on his knees, and his hands were clasped together. I looked at Carrie, tubes sticking out of her arms and hands, leading to beeping machines. That beeping noise had become comforting to me. It reminded us that Carrie was still alive. I was the last of us to go home and shower, so we were all in for the night. None of us were handling the situation with Carrie being unconscious very well, but Liam was holding it together the most. He was the one who always calmed the rest of us down when we cried or started losing hope. I don’t think he could’ve made me think there was hope alive, though. Not at this point. Tears fought their way through my eyes and down my cheeks as I walked towards Carrie’s bed. I got down on my knees and looked at her face. It was skinny, her cheek bones hollow and defined. She had a set of stitches on her forehead, and there was a bruise formed around them. I took her hand in mine and whispered to her.

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