Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Okay you guys I know I've made you wait for a long time...but here's chapter 25! (:

So I'm introducing Carrie's Diary in this chapter (you'll understand once you read) and I hope you guys like it! She's basically keeping a mental record of what she feels and how she's dealing with her dads abuse.


Chapter 25

*Niall's POV*

"WHAT?!" Harry, Liam, and Zayn all screamed at me.

"You heard me!" I paused and looked at Louis, who had a huge smile on his face. "We know where Carrie is!"

All the boys seemed so happy, and I couldn't help but wonder if they made the same reaction when Carrie said she had found me.

"Well what're we waiting for?" Zayn asked, like a child wanting to go on a ride at the fair.

"Well we have to pack first," Liam said, "and let's not forget our money this time!" He looked at Louis, Zayn, and Harry and they all laughed.

I smiled at my friends and we all ran upstairs to gather our stuff.

As I was throwing clothes in my suitcase, I could see the picture of Carrie and I sitting on my desk out of the corner of my eye.

I walked over to it and picked it up, outlining the frame with my finger. Just then, Louis walked in silently.

"She knows, Ni." He said calmly and smoothly.

I turned to face him and asked "Knows what?"

"When she was in here, all by herself, looking at that picture, she said 'Niall loves me.'"

I smiled a huge smile and hugged Liam, the picture still in my hand.

He patted me on the back and said "C'mon, mate. Let's go find your girl."

I smiled and even bigger smile and put the picture back on my desk. I grabbed my suitcase and walked out the door, down the stairs, and outside to the car. We all loaded our things into the trunk and got in the car.

As we were all buckling our seat belts and Liam was cranking the car keys, I knew there was something I forgot.

"Wait, you guys. There's something I need to go get." I said, while ducking out of the car.

I sprinted up the driveway and up onto the porch, fiddling with the lock until I finally got it open. I proceeded to run up the stairs, careful not to fall like at Carrie's flat, and ran into my room.

I stopped at the doorway and looked right at what I was going for. I took small steps towards my desk and swooped the picture up into my hand. I smiled hard, one last time, before we left our flat for the airport.

We were going to America.

We were going to find Carrie.

*Carrie's POV*


"The memories of all that my father did just overwhelms me, sometimes. It clogs up my head and I can't seem to find a mental balance between the past and the present, ya know?" I said to Niall.

"Yeah, I get it. I want you to start keeping a mental diary, Carrie." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean every time something bad happens, tell yourself in your head how it makes you feel. It'll help you sort through your thoughts." Niall said, sweetly.

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