Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Oh my goodness guys I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. ): I got wrapped up in family stuff and completely ran out of time in the day. /: But I'm here to make it up to you! Here's chapter 22!


Chapter 22

*Carrie's POV*

I knew my father would find me one day. I just didn't think he'd find Niall..

The 4 boys below me all gasped when they heard my dad's voice, and tried to make me climb back down the ladder.

I couldn't, though. Niall had a knife to his neck and it was because of me.

My father could care less about the people around me...he just wanted to see me suffer.

I quietly climbed up the rest of the way, hiding my fear like I had done for so many years.

"Dad..." It felt so wrong to call him that. "Let Niall go. I'll go with you back to America and you can do whatever you want to me." I sighed and noticed Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam all standing behind me in the walk in attic.

They were all so confused, as was Niall. I knew exactly what was happening though.

I would agree to be taken under my dad's control, he'd let Niall go, and then my father would torture me once again.

I didn't care, though. I said I was getting Niall back on that day and I was going to.

"It's me you want, so let him go." I repeated, causing Louis to step up.

"Carrie.. What's going on?" He seemed nervous. They all did.

"Lou, this is my father. He needs to take me and let Niall go!" I raised my voice a bit making the boys jump.

I had spent too many years being afraid of this man. I wasn't going to be anymore.

"Carrie-" Niall choked out before my father cut him off.

"You mean you'd trade yourself for your little boyfriend? Oh, how scummy of you." I was used to the harshness, but the boys weren't.

"You listen here! Carrie is not scum, she's perfect. And if you are too dumb to realize that and step up to be a father then just leave her alone!" Niall screamed.

I let out a half smile as the rest of the guys agreed with Niall, but before I could think about what had happened, my father shoved Niall to the ground.

I sprinted over to where he had landed and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug.

"Are you okay?" I said still hugging the sweet, blond, Irish boy I fell in love with.

"I will be." Niall looked at me with those sweet, blue eyes of his and I realized I missed him more than I thought I had.

Niall leaned close to my face and whispered "I love you."

I smiled and replied "I love you too."

Before anything else could be said, Niall gently took my face in his hands and kissed me.

My mind went back to the game of truth or dare I played with the band. That's when I first realized I had feelings for Niall, and yet again, a kiss confirmed my love for him.

Suddenly, I felt firm hands on my shoulders yank be back and sling me into the opposite wall.

I cried out in pain as the boys rushed over to me, staring my father down.

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