Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Who else was extremely excited about last chapter? Carrie’s finally awake! Phew it’s overwhelming. I know I said a while ago that this story was nearing an end, well obviously that didn’t happen. But….. This is painful to say. For the things I have planned out in my head, I don’t think there will be that many more chapters. Now don’t take my word on that, because there could be like 35 more and a sequel, I don’t really know. It depends where my mind takes me. Either way, I can’t see it ending until at least June or July, so don’t fret, my lovelies. Here’s chapter 33!

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Chapter 33

*Niall’s POV*

I stood up off of the edge of the bed and walked to the far wall, my hands covering my face. I was sobbing, but I was smiling. I looked at the hospital bed that had become so familiar…but this time, it was so different. Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry were all crowded around the once limp Carrie. They were hugging her so tightly and she was hugging back, all of them crying tears of joy. This was a moment none of us thought would ever happen, and it seemed too good to be true. Carrie was alive, breathing, awake, and happy. She was actually happy. I, still bawling my eyes out into my hands, was being looked at by the entire group. Even the doctor was staring my way and smiling lightly. Suddenly, the entire band parted in half, Liam and Zayn on one side of the bed and Harry and Louis on the other. Zayn and Liam were looking at each other with beaming, excited eyes, while Louis and Harry were hugging and laughing hysterically. We all wore massive smiles on our faces, me included, the tears coming to a stop. I looked at Carrie, and she looked at me as she climbed out of bed. First she was unsteady, but she caught her balance and it was as if she was never hurt to begin with. She was so perfect. Carrie made her way closer and closer to me until she was a mere 2 feet away. I smiled bigger than I had in a really long time, and I spoke, breathy and raspy.

“Carrie.” You could almost hear my smile radiating after every spoken syllable. I took one step towards her, and she took one for me. Our stomachs were centimeters apart and when I looked down, I saw her beautiful smile shining up at me. This moment was what I had been looking forward to for so long, and it brought an even bigger smile to my face as it happened.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” I said, smirking and taking Carrie’s face in my hands. Before I knew it, she had stepped closer to me, swallowing the little space between us. I leaned down as she leaned up and our lips met. It was amazing. That kiss was virtually perfect; not too long, or too slow. Not to sloppy, or too motionless. Not too soft, or too hard. It was just perfect. The entire room was smiling, and our kiss was broken by Carrie grinning, placing her forehead up against mine.

“I love you.” She said. “Niall I love you so much.”

“I love you more.” I choked, being so happy I wanted to cry again. Carrie wrapped her arms around my lower stomach, and I wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her as close to me as I could before moving my arms to hug her. We stayed like that for almost a minute, and then we broke away, still standing rather close to each other. When I let go of her, Carrie started to fall. I steadied her and took her under my arm before she could hit the ground, and I lead her back to her bed. I frowned, and looked to the doctor for an explanation. The boys’ faces matched mine. 

“Oh, don’t worry. It happens a lot with comatose patients. When they wake up and see their loved ones, adrenaline pumps through their veins enough for them to say hello and get reacquainted. All that’s happening is Miss Young’s adrenaline is fading and she needs rest. Perfectly normal, I promise. I’m gonna send someone in to take some blood so I can run tests and make sure everything’s in top shape, alright?” The doctor seemed so much nicer after Carrie woke up, but then again, I don’t think he was acting any differently. It was probably just me being angry at whoever I could be. No matter, though. Carrie was awake, and safe. And that’s really all that mattered to me.

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