Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter 17~

*Liam's POV*

It was a normal morning, so I thought. I scurried down to the kitchen to get breakfast when I noticed a piece of paper on the table. As my mind scurried with the possibilities I grabbed the sheet of paper and sat down to read it.

Before I could, though, I noticed Niall wasn't awake.

He was always awake around this time, so I got a bit worried. I ran back up the stairs, leaving the paper on the table. I looked into Niall's room and saw nothing but his made bed and furniture.

Where was Niall?

I looked in the other boys' rooms and then outside. Still, no Niall. His car was missing, too. My heart was racing...had he been kidnapped by a crazed fan? Was he hurt? Was Niall even alive?!

Before I let my mind wander too far, I thought of the note. I sprinted to the kitchen and snatched up the paper. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"One Direction, I assume that by now you've all realized that I'm gone. You all are brothers to me...I don't know how I would've survived without you four by my side. We made the best team, and I hope one day we can again. For right now, though, I can't be there. There's a lot of things I have to work out with myself, and a lot of things I'm not sure can be fixed until I'm gone... I know this seems sudden. I know I'm letting you all down. I know I'm an awful friend for doing this. I just hope you all know I love you guys and I'm sorry. Sorrier than I ever thought was possible. I don't really know how to explain the way I've felt lately.. I guess depressed would pretty much cover it. Please, don't try to find me. You'll be wasting your time. No one knows where I'm off to...not even me, completely. Please keep an eye on Carrie for me. Again, I love you guys. I hope one day you can forgive me. -Niall"

"GUYS!" I cried, as I shuffled up the stairs once again. "GUYS WAKE UP!" By now, I was struggling to even breathe through my tears.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Zayn ran out of his room with a bat, followed by Harry and Louis.

"NIALL'S GONE!" I screamed, trying to hide my fear and sadness. I handed he boys the letter and watched their faces lose all color.

"Oh my god..." Louis's voice trailed off as he walked into Niall's room. "He's..he really left?" Louis seemed hurt, and Harry hugged him.

"But...why? And where's he going to?" Harry asked to no one.

"I'm not sure. But I wonder who else knows..." Zayn was pondering, and we all realized at the same time.

"CARRIE!" We all shouted, running down the stairs and out the door to Carrie's flat. We banged on her door, and a sleepy, scared looking Carrie emerged from the doorway, holding a note. She was crying.

"N-Niall..." She fell to her knees and started bawling, as Louis caught her. He pulled her into a hug and her sleeve pulled up a bit.

I couldn't believe my eyes...I tapped on Harry's shoulder and nudged him towards Carrie's wrist. His eyes widened and my hand went to cover my mouth. As she noticed our expressions, she pulled her sleeve down again and pulled away from Louis.

"Carrie..." Harry said, sympathetically. Before any of us could say anything else, she pulled out her note from Niall and read it aloud, forcing us to a new topic.

"Carrie, I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now. Don't worry, though. By the time you finish reading this letter, I'll be halfway to no where. After seeing how sad I made you and how I scared you that day on your porch...I realized what had to be done. The only way you can be happy again is me getting away from you. That's all you've ever deserved to be...if it's the last thing I do, I'll make you happy. If it still means anything at all to you, I'd like to explain who Katy really is. I've known her since I was a child. We lived next door to each other in Ireland. I wanted to know if you cared for me as much as I cared for you...I was too much of an idiot to just ask you so I fake dated Katy. I thought it would bring us closer, but in reality, it just tore us apart. It made you sad. It's the worst thing I've ever done, and I am so sorry Carrie. You probably hate me...so I'll make this quick. I love you. I have since the moment we met. People will do almost anything to hide who they really are...I put so much effort into hiding what was beneath my skin. Now I've realized something, though..that lie I spent so much time creating only fooled one person: me. It was useless, and I wish I had known that sooner. If you still care about me, don't bother looking. I'll just hurt you again. I'm sorry, and I love you. Don't ever forget about me, Care-Bear. I love you. -Niall"

She was softly crying by the end. Carrie ran to get her phone as Harry and I filled Louis in on what we had seen.

"There's cuts on her wrist, Louis." Harry spoke softly.

"They could be from something else, Haz." Louis was refusing to believe what we all knew, deep down.

"Lou, this wasn't an accident." I noticed Carrie holding her phone to her ear, and her sleeve was yet again pushed slightly away from her wrist. "Take a look for yourself.."

Louis casually looked over to Carrie, then back to us. He looked so devastated.

"She uhh..she'll tell us on her own time." Louis forced himself to say. "We shouldn't p-pressure her." He was trying to hold in his sobs, like all of us.

Louis was right, though.

Right now, we had to find Niall.


Do you think Carrie will tell the boys about her cutting?

Will they notice the address on Carrie's note from Niall?

What do you think will happen?

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Thank you all SO much for reading. Y'all are lovely(:

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