Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter 11~

*Carries POV*

When I went over to Niall and the lads's flat I was surprised when a girl with short, white blonde hair and brown eyes was waiting at the door.

"Hi! I'm Katy, and you must be Carrie?" She had an accent that sounded like Niall's, but it had a little bit more of an English accent mixed in there. She was gorgeous, and I wondered how she knew my name.

"Uhh...yeah. Hi, Katy." I said awkwardly. Around that time, Niall opened the door with the rest of the boys standing behind him.

As if I wasn't shocked enough by Katy's presence, what I saw next about killed me. Niall leaned in and kissed Katy on the cheek!! He then looked at me awkwardly and said "Carrie, this is my girlfriend, Katy."

It felt like my heart had been replaced with a rock.

I wanted to cry.

"She'll be coming with us today!" Niall was excited, and I was hurt.

He acted as if he liked me...I guess I was wrong.

After standing there baffled, I realized I had to answer him. "That's uh..that's great." My voice cracked at the mention of the word 'great.' There was nothing great about this. I forced a fake smile onto my lips and excused myself to the bathroom.

I needed to cry.

*Harry's POV*

I could see by the look on poor Carrie's face that she was crushed. Niall really shouldn't have hurt her like that..

She dismissed herself to the bathroom and I could've sworn there were tears swelling up in her eyes.

"Niall, I need to talk to you." I said, grabbing Niall's arm and roughly leading him upstairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, oblivious of what he had just done.

"You really don't know?" He just stared at me. "Did you see her face she she saw Katy?"

"Well, no." Niall realized I was beyond angry.

"Well you should've. You hurt her, Niall. We tried to warn you and you didn't listen." I sighed. "This isn't like you." I stormed out of his room, shuffled down the stairs, and left the flat.

*Zayn's POV*

When I saw Harry run out of Niall's room angrily, I got worried. I ran up the stairs where Niall was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

"What's Harry's problem?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"He said I hurt Carrie by fake dating Katy." Niall's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Nialler, I can't disagree with him. She looked so sad, and I could see the hurt in her eyes." I paused, making sure Niall was on the same page as me. "I'm not going to yell at you though. You know what you did wrong, and you don't need me to tell you what to do. At this point, just follow your heart."

Before Niall could say anything back to me, I left the flat to find Harry.

*Liam's POV*

After seeing both Harry and Zayn talk to Niall and then wall out the door harshly, I needed to see if he was okay..I walked up the stairs and into his room and sat down on the bed next to him.

"You okay, mate?"

"I'm okay, but Carrie's not." He sounded so worried and stressed. He knew what he had done wrong. "Harry and Zayn said she looked like she was about to cry.. Did she?"

I sighed. I couldn't lie to the poor fellow. "Yes, Niall. She did."

He shook his head. "I can't believe myself."

I put my arm around him and told him that he'd figure it out, before going to check on Katy. I imagine she was extremely confused..

*Louis's POV*

I stood in the middle of our living room, astonished. Harry and Zayn both talked to Niall.

Liam talked to Niall and acted worried about Katy.

Was I the only one that remembered how Carrie silently walked into the bathroom, trying not to let tears fall?

I decided that I should go check on her.

I approached the door and heard sniffling. "Carrie, love, are you alright?"

She sat quietly for a little while before whispering "No..no I'm not okay."

I tried to open the door and found that she had locked it. "Carrie, will you please let me in?" I just wanted to give her a hug, and try to comfort her.

I heard nothing but sniffling, and was about to ask again. Before I could, though, I heard the click of an unlocking lock.

I opened the door and walked in, seeing her sitting on the ground holding her knees to her chest. I shut the door and walked over to where she sat, causing her to hide her face.

I slid down the wall sat next to her, pulling her into a side hug. I didn't expect her to hug me back, until I felt her wrap both of her arms around me and placing her head on my chest, bawling her eyes out.

I felt so bad for her, and I couldn't believe sweet innocent Niall was the person who caused this.

"W-why did-d h-he do-o thi-is t-to me-e?" She was trying so hard not to lose it when she talked.

"Carrie, that's not my place to tell you. But I promise he didn't mean to hurt you."

She hid her face in my chest even more than she had before and spoke barely audible "He promised he'd never make me want to die.."

I almost couldn't believe what she had said.

I decided it would be best not to respond, as she'd probably just get sadder. So instead of talking, I just hugged her.


Can you believe what Niall did?!

Do you think Niall will apologize to Carrie?

Will she forgive him if he does?

Aye aye aye.

Nialler made a HUGE mistake. /:

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Thank you so much for reading, my lovelies!

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