Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Here's chapter 20(:


Chapter 20

*Carrie's POV*

"YOU WHAT?!" All the boys screamed at me unison.

"I know where Niall is!" I repeated happily.

"What?" Harry screamed.

"How?" Zayn asked.

"Since when?!" Liam shouted.

"Boys, boys!" Louis calmed. "None of that's important! Carrie knows where Niall is! We don't need to know details, we just need to get there! Alright?!"

I smiled as the rest of the boys nodded their heads.

Louis kept me from having to explain what had just happened. I'm thankful of him, too. How was I supposed to say that my subconscious realized I knew where the boy I loved was and used my abusive father to tell me so in a dream?!

I have a feeling that would bring up a few questions...

Before I could think about anything else, Liam calmly asked "Do you know the address?"

I looked back down at the note and said "Yes. It's 207 Oakfield Road."

All the boys smiled and leaned back in their seats, Harry, Zayn, and Liam starting another poke war.

Louis and me laughed once again.

After a few minutes of silence, Louis looked at me curiously.

"What?" I asked, a bit embarrassed.

"You really are in love with Niall, aren't you?" He smiled a bit and I blushed madly.

"Yeah, Louis. I really am. I just hope he feels the same way." I wondered.

"He does, Carrie." Louis was so easy to trust. All of the boys were, really.

"Hey, Louis!" Harry called across the aisle, getting Louis's attention. "Lemme have a turn sitting next to Carrie!"

I laughed as Louis and Harry switched seats.

When Harry got settled beside me, I realized how hot it was on the train. I had a hoodie on, so you can imagine how I felt.

I took my hoodie off and placed it in my bag.

Soon after I took it off, I noticed my wrists.

I had completely forgotten about the cuts...oh, no..

Harry noticed, too and looked at me sympathetically.

"Carrie...what happened?" Harry's voice cracked and I could see the other boys looking our way.

I could've sworn I saw tears in Louis's eyes.

Before I could answer, the train came to a halt and we all exited with our bags in hand.

The boys seemed to brush it off their shoulders and I was really glad they were so understanding.

"Hey, look! There's a hotel!" Zayn told us, pointing in the direction of a hotel.

"Should we get a taxi or just walk, since it's so close?" Louis asked.

"Uhhhh...." Harry looked worried about something.

"Why are you "uhhhing?" I asked Harry.

"I think I know why..." Liam trailed off. "Did anyone remember to bring some money?"

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