Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter 6~

*Carrie's POV*

The time at the hospital passed pretty quickly. A couple stitches there, some pain killers here. It wasn't that big of a deal to me.

To the boys, however, it was a completely different story.

Louis and Harry were fake crying on each others shoulders after the doctor was done with my stitches.

Liam and Zayn sat in plastic chairs talking quietly, occasionally glancing over at me with worried expressions painted on their faces.

Niall sat on the bed with me the entire time. He never left my side, and he kept asking me things like "How do you feel?" and "Does it hurt, love?" He was being really sweet, and I greatly appreciated it.

Once I was released it was about 1 o'clock in the morning. We all decided to go to the band's shared flat.

The entire way there Niall just stared at me with a longing look in his eye. You'd think it would've made me feel awkward or uncomfortable...but in reality, it was a comfortable stare. It was enduring and caring.

When we finally made it to the flat Louis busted out of the car and sprinted to the front door, while Harry swiped the keys out of the ignition and followed him.

Meanwhile, Zayn, Liam, and Niall were all looking at me in a weird way.

"What?" I said, wondering if I had done something wrong.

"Are you okay?" All three boys said together.

I laughed at their simultaneous question, and said "Im fine."

The truth was, though, I wasn't fine. I knew I was safe with the boys but I knew I'd have to go home soon.

When I was at my flat all alone all I ever did was reminiscent the beatings my father gave to me.

When I was alone, it was like I was sitting in that attic all over again, waiting to bleed, but never tell.To suffer, but never show it. To hurt, but never cry.

I forced a sad, fake smile to form on my lips when I realized they all looked like they didn't believe me.

Just like Niall had done, though, they acted like they believed me, even though I knew they didn't.

These boys were hard to lie to. They all seemed so trustworthy.

Liam and Zayn got out of the car and proceeded towards the flat. I started to open my door but before I could, Niall did it for me. I looked up at him and smiled, almost a real smile.

Together, we walked inside the flat and Niall lead me to the couch where the rest of the boys had already sat down.

Harry and Louis were on the left of the couch while Zayn and Liam were on the right.

Niall and me sat between the boys and it was quiet for a while. Eventually though, Louis shouted "So what will we do now?!" at the top of his lungs, causing me to jump.

All of the boys laughed at me and I couldn't help but blush.

While Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn all got up to pick out a movie for us to watch Niall leaned into my ear and sweetly whispered "You're cute when you blush." Of course, this only made me blush more, so I starred at the floor and smiled, letting my long black hair fall into my face.

About that time Harry popped right up to my face and pushed my hair behind my ears. "Toy Story 3 alright with you, love?"

I laughed, looking back up, and said "sure!"

*Niall's POV*

Carrie was so beautiful and I was so excited to have her sit next to me during our movie. Once it started playing her focus was incredible, but it wasn't directed towards the tele. She was staring at the floor like it had just shot her puppy! Poor Carrie looked so sad, and I couldn't help but wonder why she kept tuning out like that. I whispered in her ear "Are you alright, Carrie?"

She jumped a bit and slowly turned around and said "Yes. I'm fine."

I swore I saw a tear threatening to escape from her eye, which worried me deeply. After that, she seemed to be somewhat better and started watching the movie with the lads and I.

*1 hour later*

I noticed Carrie's eyes getting heavy, as she was struggling to stay awake. I whispered in her ear once again, but this time I said "Are you getting sleepy, sweetheart?"

She looked at me and blushed a bit before nodding her head yes.

I looked around to find the remote and when I did, I paused the film.


All of us, including Carrie, laughed at Louis.

I replied with "Carrie said she's sleepy."

Harry looked at her with a smirk and said "Well we can't have that, now can we. You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

Zayn, Liam, and Louis all nodded, while Carrie and I sat confused.

Before either of us could ask questions Zayn spoke up.

"Want to spend the night here, love?"

She looked shocked.

*Carrie's POV*

I had no idea what to say.

"Well I don't have any clothes..and you all have done so much already-"

Liam cut me off and said "Please! It's our pleasure."

After that Niall said "Yeah! And you can wear my sweatshirt!"

He then took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. He was so sweet.

I looked at the lad's pleading faces and gave in.

"Oh alright, I'll stay."

They all cheered as I excused myself to change.


So what do you think will happen tonight?!

Are Niall and Carrie falling for each other?

Check out chapter 7 to find out more!



*Carrie's POV*

After I changed into Niall's sweatshirt, I realized that I didn't have any pants.

This would definitely be a problem.

With only his sweatshirt and my underwear on, I slowly walked down the stairs and into the living room.



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