Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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I'm so sorry I've taken so long to update ): But here's chapter 24!


Chapter 24

*Authors POV*

For the rest of that day, the boys traveled from Ireland to London while Carrie and her father "caught up." When One Direction arrived at their flat back home, they all sat down and thought of where they should look for Carrie.

"Well, we should probably start in America." Harry said huskily.

Niall looked at Harry and said "Haz, this isn't a game! Now is no time to be sarcastic! We can laugh when we get Carrie back!"

Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall all stood with sad, worried expressions, while Zayn stood smiling happily.

"What're you so cheesy about?" Liam asked Zayn.

"When Niall got onto Harry like that he reminded me of Carrie. Remember how she was so bossy when we were printing those train tickets to Tullamore?" Zayn said happily.

Niall smiled at the thought of Carrie being so authoritative to find him, and continued thinking about where to start.

*Niall's POV*

"Hey, does anybody remember the license plate number? Maybe we could track it or find the home address or something." Liam said as all the boys racked their brains. That is, all the boys except me.

"38G32M6." I said swiftly, as the boys all starred at me in awe.

"Did you really memorize the guy's plates that fast? The only time you saw the truck was when you were sprinting towards it and it was speeding ahead of you! Are you sure that's the right number?" Louis asked me.

"Yes, Lou." I paused, flashing back to the license plate bolted to the black truck. "38G32M6. That's definitely it."

Louis smiled and I went to my bedroom for my laptop so I could search the plates. I was drawn to the picture of Carrie and I on my desk. She looked so beautiful and happy, and I could see a sparkle in her eyes. It was a gleam that made it look as if she was carefree; it was almost as if that's where she kept her motivation. I thought back to all the times I'd seen that familiar shine in her eyes and couldn't help but smile as the memories rolled in. I was soon interrupted by Louis entering my bedroom with a smile spread across his face.

"I caught her looking at that picture the day we left to go find you. It seemed to make her really happy. I caught her saying something while she was looking at it, too. I'm not quite sure who she was talking to, though." Louis said smiling at me.

"Well, what'd she say?" I asked curiously.

"Ya know, she knew what she was talking about when she said it. She couldn't have been more right, I can tell." Louis smirked, making me wait to hear what she said.

"Well c'mon! Tell me what she was right about, Lou!" I pleaded.

"Ehh..I think I'll save it for another time." He allowed that familiar smirk to roll across his face and walked out of the room, laughing full-heartily.

I groaned in a joking manner and took one last look at the picture and grabbed my laptop to join the boys.

I trotted down the stairs and cleared off the long, rectangular coffee table in our living room and placed my laptop on it.

"Uhh, Niall?" Zayn asked suspiciously. "What're you doing?"

"I'm setting up a base. This is where were gonna put all the information about Carrie's whereabouts." I said, gesturing to table and grabbing some stationary paper and a pen.

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