Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter 14~

*Niall's POV*

Carrie's been hurt way too much, and a lot of it was caused by me.

She doesn't deserve to put up with me.

When Louis told me I had to do something, I immediately started thinking, and I came up with a plan. It'll take a few weeks...but I'm sure it'll make Carrie happy. That's all she deserves to be. I made a promise to her.

I don't break my promises.

*5 days later, Zayn's POV*

"VAS HAPPENIN?" I screamed, as I ran into Niall's room.

He pushed something under his bed like he was hiding it and looked at me nervously. "Uh, nothing. How 'bout you, Zayn?"

There was something up with Niall...but I didn't know what.

"Nothing. We're all bored downstairs. Come and join us, mate!" I grabbed Niall's arm and drug him down the stairs. I needed to get him away from his room so I could see what was under the bed.

Once we were at the bottom of the stairs, I walked over to Louis, Harry, and Liam and whispered so that they could hear me "Keep Nialler busy." Strange expressions swept along their faces as I ran up the stairs screaming "I'VE GOT TO USE THE TOILET, LADS!"

As I shuffled through the hallways upstairs, I inconspicuously looked over my shoulder just in time to see the boys leading Niall into the kitchen, where he couldn't see me.

I turned on my heels and ran into Niall's room, sprinting towards the bed.

When I made the short few steps it took to reach my destination, I slowly got down on all fours, crouching my head down to have a look.

I was surprised at what laid before me: a suitcase, paper, a pen, and Niall's laptop.

"That's a weird combination." I said quietly to myself, thinking of the possibilities.

I heard footsteps on the stairs, and pushed away my thoughts, just in time to see Liam burst into Niall's room with me. "What are you doing, Zayn?!" He was clearly confused.

"Nothing, Leeyumm." That wasn't a lie. What I found really did seem like nothing. "Nothing at all."

As Liam exitted the room and I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen, I couldn't help but let my mind wander. 'What if it wasn't nothing?'

That's the question that kept repeating over and over inside my head. 'What if..'

*Niall's POV*

A little while earlier, Zayn burst into my room doing that funny accent of his. "VAS HAPPENIN?" I jumped a bit at his sudden question and shoved my things underneath my bed.

Everything I needed for my plan was under that bed. A suitcase, paper, a pen, and my laptop. It was simple.

A suitcase for packing up my clothes, a pen and paper to write down my goodbyes, and the laptop to search for train tickets.

I was leaving London.

As Zayn lead me down the stairs after I made a quick recovery from the awkwardness of me pushing the stuff under my bed, I couldn't help but wonder if this was really best.

I couldn't ask Liam for advice again because he'd tell the rest of the lads and they'd just find a way to keep me from going.

I couldn't ask Carrie what I should do. That'd be destroying every chance I had to make her happy again...she'd think it was all because of her. In reality, though, I brought this on myself.

It's all my fault.

I need to pay for what I did to her, and if that means leaving the best friends I've ever had, Carrie herself, and my home, then I'll do it.

Zayn said I was an innocent guy once, and that he'd take care of me for as long as he could.

That may have once been true, but right now, there was nothing innocent about me.

Nothing at all.

*Harry's POV*

For the rest of the day, we all watched movies and just hung out in our flat. There was something different about our group, though..

Niall looked extremely nervous, and was more fidgety than usually, while Zayn was lost, deep in thought.

I wondered why this was happening, and tried to think of a way to snap them out of it.

I couldn't, though, so I continued to watch the movie and began worrying, myself.

There was something up in our band..I could feel it.

Something was about to change.

Something big.


Oh goodnessssss!

Niall wants to leave town altogether!

Do you think he'll go through with his plan?

If he does, will it help Carrie or simply hurt her more?

Will Zayn find out about Niall's plan and stop him?

Things are really starting to get intense you guys!

I probably won't be updating as much today, as I have volleyball try outs! Go wildcats! :D But don't forget to vote and comment!

Thanks for reading, my lovelies. (:

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