Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days...

I had volleyball try outs.


Anyway, enjoy chapter 16! (You might wanna have the tissues nearby..)

It'll be a longer-than-usuall kind of chapter, btw! :D


~Chapter 16~

*Niall's POV*

As I reached for the pen I planned on writing my goodbyes with, it seemed so important. Who knew such a small item could have such a large purpose?

There was a time where I felt that way...I thought I would always live to make Carrie happy and feel loved. Instead I just scared and hurt her.

As I snapped myself out of my thoughts, I began writing the first letter.

"One Direction, I assume that by now you've all realized that I'm gone. You all are brothers to me...I don't know how I would've survived without you four by my side. We made the best team, and I hope one day we can again. For right now, though, I can't be there. There's a lot of things I have to work out with myself, and a lot of things I'm not sure can be fixed until I'm gone... I know this seems sudden. I know I'm letting you all down. I know I'm an awful friend for doing this. I just hope you all know I love you guys and I'm sorry. Sorrier than I ever thought was possible. I don't really know how to explain the way I've felt lately.. I guess depressed would pretty much cover it. Please, don't try to find me. You'll be wasting your time. No one knows where I'm off to...not even me, completely. Please keep an eye on Carrie for me. Again, I love you guys. I hope one day you can forgive me. -Niall"

When I finished forming the last letter of my name, I realized I was crying. I couldn't stop now, though...there was still something else to be written.

I picked up a new piece of paper and started.

"Carrie, I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now. Don't worry, though. By the time you finish reading this letter, I'll be halfway to no where. After seeing how sad I made you and how I scared you that day on your porch...I realized what had to be done. The only way you can be happy again is me getting away from you. That's all you've ever deserved to be...if it's the last thing I do, I'll make you happy. If it still means anything at all to you, I'd like to explain who Katy really is. I've known her since I was a child. We lived next door to each other in Ireland. I wanted to know if you cared for me as much as I cared for you...I was too much of an idiot to just ask you so I fake dated Katy. I thought it would bring us closer, but in reality, it just tore us apart. It made you sad. It's the worst thing I've ever done, and I am so sorry Carrie. You probably hate me...so I'll make this quick. I love you. I have since the moment we met. People will do almost anything to hide who they really are...I put so much effort into hiding what was beneath my skin. Now I've realized something, though..that lie I spent so much time creating only fooled one person: me. It was useless, and I wish I had known that sooner. If you still care about me, don't bother looking. I'll just hurt you again. I'm sorry, and I love you. Don't ever forget about me, Care-Bear. I love you. -Niall"

After the hardest thing I've ever done was completed, I turned the paper over and realized I had accidentally written the address in Ireland I was most likely going to on the back of it...I quickly erased the pencil markings and folded the two letters in half.

I looked at the time and realized that my train was about to leave. After making one more quick thought, I decided that I was going to that house in Ireland. It was a friend of mines, but they never stayed there. I knew it wouldn't be missed if I used it for a while.

I quietly walked down the steps and hurried into the kitchen. I placed the boys's letter on the counter, and took one last look around me. I was gonna miss this house and the boys.

After silently saying goodbye, I walked out the door and headed towards Carrie's flat. I hoped her door would be unlocked...if it wasn't, I didn't know what I'd do.

Luckily, it was. I let myself in and walked through her house, to her living room. I looked around me and gently placed the folded paper on her coffee table. I realized you could still barely make out the address and became a bit worried...I had to go though. It was now or never.

I headed out of her flat and walked to my car. I had already packed my suitcase and was all set and ready to go.

I opened my car door and started to get in, but stopped myself. I looked to my right. There was Carrie's house. I realized how cliche it was to fall in love the girl next door. I proceeded to look left of the house and my eyes met the flat where my band mates slept. There were so many memories tied up with those houses...I really didn't want to go. It's what was best, though.

I allowed one single tear to slide down my cheek before stepping into my car and driving away from my loved ones.

I turned on the car radio to try and stop the tears but the lads's and my song "Little Things" came on. I quickly shut off the music as I started to cry.

*1 hour later, Niall's POV*

I was on my train, heading to Ireland. I couldn't help but clutching the small stuffed Care-Bear that Carrie had bought me... It smelled like her perfume and I couldn't help but cry.

"Umm, excuse me mister. Why are you so sad?" A small girl tapped me on the shoulder.

"I'm leaving the people that I love." I sniffed.

The little girl sighed and replied. "Me too." I looked around her and saw no parent or sibling.

"Where's your family?" I wondered why she was all alone.

"They're in heaven." The girl seemed so sad, and I felt for her.

Before I could respond she ran back to her seat and I fell asleep until we got to the airport.

As I tossed my luggage where it should've been, I boarded the plain. When every passenger was seated I could hear the engines start up. Before I knew it, I could see the clouds. I checked the time and realized that my mates back home would be waking up soon... I wondered what they would do when they read the letters. I image they would all be relieved.

Before I could think any longer, my phone started buzzing. I looked down in my lap and read the caller ID. It was Liam. Shortly after, Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam himself flooded my inbox with calls, voicemails and text messages.

"Niall buddy where are you?! Please come back!" I heard Zayn in a voicemail.

I read Harry's text. "Where are you going?! Come back Nialler!"

"We're here for you Niall just tell us where you are!" Then Liam's. I could imagine the messages in my friends's voices.

I felt a buzz as I listened to another voicemail, this time from Liam. "Please, Niall! It's okay! You don't have to run away! Tell us where you're going and we'll come too! We can work this out as a band, like we always do!" His voice was cracking, and I could tell Liam was crying. "Please, Niall...you have to come back.. Don't do this, plea" I could hear the beep of the answering machine cutting him off.

Before I went mad, I powered off my phone and drifted off into sleep with tears welling in my eyes.


Oh my goodness Niall's leaving!!!

Do you think the boys will convince him to come back?!

How will Carrie react when she reads her letter from Niall?!


You'll just have to wait for chapter 17 to find outt! :D

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Thanks for reading, my lovelies!(:

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