Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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I'm really sorry I'm just now updating! I've had computer trouble lately, and I had to get a completely new hard-drive installed. But, now it's fixed, and the wait is over. I’d like to go ahead and give credit where it’s due and say the song “Bring Me the Night” that I’ve used throughout the story is by an amazing artist named Sam Tsui. He’s one of my favorite musicians, and he does fabulous work. Also, I'd like to thank all of you for getting me to over 1600 reads! You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you, my darlings. (:

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Chapter 32

*1 week later*

*Niall's POV*

I woke to the sound of Carrie's monitor beeping, as it always did. I looked to the clock on the wall, and it read 6:27 am. I sighed, and looked towards the boys. The only one who was awake was Louis. He was sitting up, his head resting on his bent knees. I could barely see his face, as he was looking towards the wall opposite of me, but I could faintly make out tears streaking down his cheeks. I looked down at Carrie, her stitches out and wounds healing. She almost looked peaceful, just lying there. I got out of the bed and walked over to Louis, standing him up. He just looked at me, trying not to break down. But his best efforts failed, and Louis began bawling. I engulfed him into a hug and I could feel how tense he was, like he was holding something back. We had conversations like this almost every morning, because of the awful dreams he had. But for the past couple of days, I felt like there was something bugging him and he wasn't talking about it. It worried me. He sat back down, and I knelt down beside the love seat sofa he was sitting in. I looked him in the eyes, and there was something there. Pain, devastation...he was hurting.

"Louis, there's something you haven't been telling me and I can tell it's really bothering you." I sighed, seeing the distress written on his face like a book. "What is it?"

Louis sighed, and looked at me. He nodded his head, as if deciding he wanted to tell me. Then he spoke.

"The other day, the blanket got moved a certain way and it uncovered Carrie's arm. Niall, there were scars all over her wrist. Like deep ones, that're gonna be there for a while, if not forever. Carrie is gonna be permanently reminded about this time in her life...and I mean I held the knife in my hand that did that to her. I held the weapon that gave Carrie those scars in my own two hands, Niall." Louis started tearing up, and I hugged him.

"Lou, there was nothing more you could've done. As soon as you found out, you were a huge help to her. That's all anyone could ever ask of you. You were an amazing friend, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over this. It's in the past, and Carrie's okay. Do you hear that beeping?" We both paused and focused in on the beeping machinery. "That's the sound of Carrie living. So instead of wishing you could've done more, be glad that you did what you did. Because without you, I don't think there would be any beeping right now."

Louis looked at me and smiled whole-heartily and nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He said shakily.

By this time, the rest of the boys were beginning to wake up and our day was starting, as it always did. Every morning, Zayn was the first to leave to go home and freshen up. When he awoke, he wiped the sleep from his eyes and told all of us goodbye, and as he exited the room, Carrie's doctor walked in. We were all sitting down, so I stood from the end of Carrie's bed to see what the man wanted.

"Hey, doc."

"Hello, Mr. Horan. I need to have a word with you- with all of you." He said, worrying me and my bandmates.

"Umm, I should go get Zayn. He's probably not left the building yet." Harry chimed in, running out the door to retrieve Zayn.

The look of fear was all over our faces. There was me, who I imagine looked sick to my stomach. I was, after all. Then there was Louis, and he still had streaky tears, half dried on his face. New ones were beginning to form as Liam hugged him. I didn't understand how Liam had kept so strong throughout all of this. He looked scared, but not near as fearful as the rest of us. Soon, Harry came jogging in with Zayn close behind. Then the doctor began.

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