Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter 5~

*Carrie's POV*

Niall and I were running through a huge crowd of teenage girls when I saw flashes everywhere.

I could hear Niall say "paparazzi" under his breath, and I felt for him.

This was his life.

Him and the rest of his band had to live this way all the time, constantly running from cameras and screaming fans.

One of the cameras flashed right in my eyes, causing me to see black spots everywhere. It was really dark outside already, so it didn't help a bit when I couldn't even see the moonlight.

Being the klutzy version of me for the second time that night, I started stumbling and slowing down.

There were people everywhere around me, and I couldn't see Niall anymore. I was getting really nervous, but I kept running.

All of the sudden, ANOTHER flash appeared right in my face and I fell down.

People were crowding over me and trying to ask me questions about Niall. Some of the fans even asked me if we were dating. I just sat there on the ground seeing spots, scared.

I didn't know where Niall was.

I couldn't see anything.

I could feel people all around me, making me claustrophobic.

I was on the verge of having a panic attack.

I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

I didn't though, because right when I was about to loose it someone swiped me up and threw me over their shoulder.

In the middle of all the noise I just barely heard an Irish accent saying "It'll all be okay."

I guess he realized I was completely freaking out.

He ran for about 30 more seconds and we finally were able to throw ourselves inside a black van with tinted windows. As I was trying to catch my breath I looked around me. Four unfamiliar boys sat in the van with Niall and I. I assumed it was the rest of One Direction.

Niall must've saw my confusion and introduced me to Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam.

"Hello, there love! What's your name?" Louis asked me in a cheerful tone.

"Uh..Carrie." I was really shy and meeting this many new people was kind of odd for me...


"Why can't I go out of the house and actually make friends like normal kids?!" I practically yelled at my father. It was a big mistake to raise my voice.

"You know, Carrie! Because you're a killer, and killers aren't normal kids! You will never be normal, because unlike you, most kids have value. You're nothing but scum."

He was right.

I knew I was a killer.

I knew I was a monster.

I knew I wasn't normal, but he didn't have to point it all out for me to realize.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately dragged me up into the attic, grabbing a knife as we went. I knew what was coming.

*end of flashback*

I vaguely heard a chorus of my name being called by the boys, but none of them could wake me up from the memories that haunted me...that is, until Niall chimed in. He gently shook my shoulders back and forth and said "Carrie! Carrie are you alright? You look awfully pail."

Once I realized what was going on again, I just looked at him and nodded my head. "I'm fine."

"Well we need to get you to a hospital, for that hand!" Liam told me.

I simply said "Okay" still a bit woozy from my sudden remembering.

I made small talk with the boys until we arrived at the hospital.

I hated hospitals.

They reminded me that I killed my mother in one of them.

No matter how far away I got from that hospital back in America, I still seemed to always remember the thing that happened there.

I killed my mother.


So what do you think will happen after Carrie's hand gets looked at?

Will the boys be able to keep her from remembering the things her father did to her?

Why was Niall the only one that could make her stop reliving her past?

Check back for chapter 6 and you may find out some answers(;

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Thank you for reading, my lovelies. (:

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